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Entries in iphone camera (4)


What Comes After Panoramic Photos?

Wind back the clock 15 years. Imagine yourself wiping the sweat off your brow after the close call that was the “Y2K Millenium Bug”… Phew, that was a close one wasn’t it?

You take a glance down at your phone, thankful to be alive and decide to give your folks a call to express how grateful you are for planes not falling out of the sky and computers not spontaneously combusting around us.

You finish the call, and decide to take selfie to celebrate the moment… wait? A what? What’s a selfie!!? Yup, that’s right, there really wasn’t such a thing as a “Selfie” back then. Sure people used to take pictures of themselves using cameras pointing the wrong way, but these weren’t globally known as selfies, they weren’t splattered in front of our vision every waking moment of every waking day. They were an occasional bad photo amongst an album, or a snap from a web cam as they increasingly became popular.

A Selfie in the making


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FiLMiC Pro for iPhone: High Definition, Broadcast Worthy Video Camera

One of the best features on an iPhone is the camera. With a rather high megapixel rate, it is better than many digital cameras on the market. But exploiting that feature takes some adjustments, and many people don't know how to do them.

That is why users are turning to FiLMiC Pro to help them out. It is an app that will turn your phone's camera into a high definition, broadcast worthy video camera.

A few more camera apps:


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Camera Plus iPhone App Review

A lot of people are relying on their smartphones for all photo taking. Many of us don't even have a digital camera at this point, because cameras on phones have become so sophisticated that we don't need one. After all, the iPhone has the same pixel rate in their camera as most mid-range digital models. Why spend more when you can carry that around with you everywhere, with the same results?

The most common argument I hear from digital camera users is that the iPhone lacks features. Which is why you need an app like Camera+ to make up the difference, and then some.

A couple of more camera apps:

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Camera360 Ultimate - iPhone Photo App Review

Camera360 Ultimate

The iPhone's camera is a feature that many of us take for granted. We have gotten so used to being able to record ourselves and others on a whim, that we forget how far this technology has come in such a short amount of time.

An iPhone photo is better quality and resolution than many webcams and even early digital camera models. You can even record some fairly decent videos, no matter where you are. People having iPhones handy has been responsible for some incredible captures over the years.

Camera360 was made to exploit the camera to its full ability, and give you more control over your photos.

More photography apps for iPhone we reviewed previously:

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