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Entries in Apple iPhone (16)


10 Ways to Run a Business with Only an iPhone

Over the course of the 90s and early 2000s, it became clear that the home office was a far more viable option.

Now, however, we're ready for the next step; a home office may not be necessary, since you can carry all the technology you need in your pocket.

We are, of course, talking about smartphones like the illustrious iPhone. Here are ten ways you can run your business with nothing more than this brilliant little device.

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What Comes After Panoramic Photos?

Wind back the clock 15 years. Imagine yourself wiping the sweat off your brow after the close call that was the “Y2K Millenium Bug”… Phew, that was a close one wasn’t it?

You take a glance down at your phone, thankful to be alive and decide to give your folks a call to express how grateful you are for planes not falling out of the sky and computers not spontaneously combusting around us.

You finish the call, and decide to take selfie to celebrate the moment… wait? A what? What’s a selfie!!? Yup, that’s right, there really wasn’t such a thing as a “Selfie” back then. Sure people used to take pictures of themselves using cameras pointing the wrong way, but these weren’t globally known as selfies, they weren’t splattered in front of our vision every waking moment of every waking day. They were an occasional bad photo amongst an album, or a snap from a web cam as they increasingly became popular.

A Selfie in the making


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iPhone Business Card Scanner - Contact Snapper Review

I am going to cut to the chase right now and tell you that this app saved my life last month. OK, maybe I am being a little overly dramatic. It saved my sanity and a whole lot of time. Why was it such a crucial app for me? Because I had to go to a conference, one with a major emphasis on networking. We all know what that means: business cards. An endless stream of them that could probably fill a kiddy pool.

This is a regular part of my life, and I have always hated having to deal with all of the business cards I find. I have a system, of course. But a couple always get lost in the fray, and I have missed out on more than one opportunity because of it, I'm sure. So when I found Contact Snapper, a business card scanning app, I was thrilled.

How It Works

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Great Value App!

From the creators of Flying Fun comes Geek Me, a new and feature packed face manipulation app!

Geek Me is a new take on the normal Fat Booth style of app which transforms the user into a geek. There are similar Geekify apps currently on the App Store, but Geek Me is packed with a heap of extra ways to customise and change your images. The FREE app allows you to add glasses, braces and acne to your face. A very cheap $0.99 payment unlocks ginger hair, more glasses to choose from and the ability to change the colour of your braces (as well as diabling those annoying ads).

"It's a simple app, but a great laugh! Very funny to transform your friends into geeks and show them later!"

Share your final images to Twitter or Facebook and celecrate your inner geek!


Buzzvote: Free Polling App for iPhone

If you hate the average polling feature on websites, but you love getting a view of the opinions of others from your social network or around the world, chances are you are going to love BuzzVoice. It is the social polling app that allows you to post questions for others, browse or search for questions published by users and the BuzzVoice staff, follow pollers, share questions with friends through Twitter and Facebook, and more.

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