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Entries in iphone (172)


Speck Candyshell Review


The Speck Candyshell is a very nice case for your Ipod touch or your iphone. It is very protective with a soft cushioned inside and a very hard shell outside. Though the case is hard on the outside it is still flexible. One feature that i like about the case is that it covers the sleep button and the volume rockers with rubber which prevents dust and dirt from getting in there. Even tho the buttons are covered with rubber they still function just as they would if they where naked. The Candyshell offers great drop protection because of the hard outside layer and the soft and smooth inside layer , with those to combined it helps prevent damage to your Ipod/Iphone.Some down sides of the case are the lower piece of the case under the home button seems to be fragile and could snap easily with some wear and tear. Also another down side of the case is it is very difficult to get the case off the device. Other then those two down sides the case is great and i like everything about it. One great feature about this case is it will not scratch your device because of the soft interior. Overall I really recommend this case and I think it will last you quite a while.

Youtube Channel:


Google Latitude For iPhone Released

Google latitude has been released for the iPhone.

For those who are unaware, Google Latitude is a location service that uses your cell phones GPS and WiFi signals to learn your location, with other Latitude users. (Presumably friends and family). One of Latitude's biggest features is the ability to view the locations of your Latitude contacts, from your computer, within iGoogle. This may be useful for a parent who is at work, and would like to check in and see where their child is. Of course, Google has built in a number of privacy settings that you can customize to your liking.

The iPhone version of the application does vary slightly from that on other phones. According to Google. Apple requested that the App be web based, and not be a localized application... to avoid confusion over the built in Maps application on the iPhone which google also powers.

If you are interested in learning more about Google Latitude you can visit


Review: Tweetie for Mac

See More videos like this here.

Tweetie just has to be my favourite Twitter client that I have ever used, the interface is nice, and it has a lot of cool features like threaded replies and search.

You can download Tweetie for Mac & iPhone at


The iPhone Isn't Just a Phone

"A smartphone is a mobile phone offering advanced capabilities, often with PC-like functionality" according to wikipedia. The Apple iPhone isn't a regular smartphone. In my mind the iPhone is more than just a phone that can call, send text messages, view photos, and with the Windows Mobile Phones work with Word mobile.

Apple makes everything the way they want and of course different. As there are no complete set of rules to what a smartphone can have, Apple went all out with the iPhone 3G and now the iPhone 3Gs. The first iPhone was the Simon that featured a calendar,address book, world clock, calculator, note pad, e-mail, send and receive fax, and games. It like the iPhone was touch screen with no physical buttons as well, but the touch screen on the iPhone is like no other. The screen on the iPhone is multi-touch for those who didn't know and what that is it allows many different finger techniques to be used for many features on the phone.

When most people think smart phone they think BlackBerry, BlackJack, Palm or a Nokia phone. When I think smart phone I think iPhone. The iPhone can do all of the things I had said earlier, but it can also... play third party games via the app store, have billions of free and paid applications via the app store, be a mobile device that isn't just a portable computer, but way more complex and better.

Why would thousands of people wait in line for hours waiting for the latest and greatest iPhone? Because it isn't just a regular phone it is once again much more.


TweetDeck for iPhone - Review

TweetDeck for iPhone


Description:Tweet on the go with all your favourite TweetDeck features on your iPhone.TweetDeck is your mobile browser for staying in touch with what’s happening now on Twitter from your iPhone or iPod Touch. TweetDeck shows you everything you want to see at once, so you can stay organised and up to date no matter where you are.Create groups, search Twitter, manage multiple accounts and easily post your tweets or share photos, link and much more. Plus sync your existing TweetDeck columns between your desktop and iPhone. Nice and easy.

The time has arrived! TweetDeck for the iPhone is upon us!

I've been a big TweetDeck Desktop fan for many a month now, and I'm really happy to wake up to see TweetDeck for the iPhone sitting on the AppStore just begging for me to download it. The best part is it's price. Free!

First Impressions:

Upon opening the app, you're presented with a page to be able to add your Twitter account. It's an incredibly sleek setup sequence with prompts for you to sign in to your TweetDeck account so you can sync your columns and what-not from the Desktop version straight onto your iPhone. the setup lasted about 30 seconds, and I was then straight into the application itself.

The first thing I saw was a somewhat familiar colour-scheme and notification. I was really impressed to see that they'd ported over the notifications feature to the iPhone version, because simply put, TweetDeck isn't TweetDeck without them! As you can see from the screenshot below, there is a set of settings in a sleek black bar.

The bar shows updates to your Twitter account, Refresh feature, Add Column, Settings and More. We'll look through each of these in detail, shall we?

Updates Button:

I was very impressed with this little feature. Not only does the Updates section of the bottom bar actually show how many updates you've missed, or are yet to read, but upon tapping it you're presented with a box showing exactly how many per column you're yet to have a gander at, and also a handy little feature to mark them all as seen!


Does exactly what it says on the tin.

Add Column:

This is one of the biggest features in the whole application. This allows you to add an array of different columns such as 'User Group', 'Twitter Search', 'All Friends', 'Mentions', 'Direct Messages' and 'Favourites'. This works in exactly thesame wayas on TweetDeck desktop. I currently have six columns set up on my installation of TweetDeck for the iPhone, and have had it crash just once due to receiving a large amount of updates all in one, whilst trying to scroll down. I'd recommend not doing that!

You also get the option to import columns from the TweetDeck server so that things are set up in the same way as they are on TweetDeck desktop. Clever eh?


This opens a completely new screen for you to Manage your multiple accounts, Edit your TweetDeck account and change General settings.

Manage Accounts and TweetDeck account is very self-explanatory. Not much to talk about there, but when it comes to the general settings, there are a few that you can tweak around a little, such as Auto-Correct, Auto-Capitalisation, Picture Service (twitpic or yfrog), Sound Enabled/Disabled, Growl Enabled/Disabled (notification popup), Show Real Names and Shake to Refresh. As you can tell, there are a nice amount of settings to tweak TweetDeck to your liking.

If that isn't enough Tweaking, hold down on one of your 'decks' until they start to wiggle (like you would on your iPhone/iPod home-screen). From this you can re-arrange the way the decks are presented to you. Nowthat'scool, right?


From this sub-menu you get two new options to choose from. One being 'Quick Follow' and 'Sync Columns'. Quick Follow is basically a text box popup where you can input a users username and follow them instantly by tapping the "Follow" button. Saves having to find the user through the Search feature and following them form there.

Sync Columns basically does exactly what it says. It syncs your columns with the ones you've syncronised to TweetDecks servers.

Main Section:

The 'main section' of the application is where all of the tweets are displayed. you can either choose form the zoomed-out view where you can flick through each deck, viewing a maximum of 5 tweets per deck, or tap one of the decks to view the whole thing, allowing you to scroll through them all. You can still flick left and right to navigate through each deck whilst on the full screen mode.

Tapping a tweet will take you to a screen dedicated to that tweet, giving you the option to @reply, send a DM, retweet, email tweet and +favourite.

Tapping the user takes you to their profile. From here, you get the option to Follow the user, View their followers, View who they're following, @message them, DM then, see their recent Tweets and Block/Unblock the user. You can also see their picture, Name, Twitter UserName and their biography on this screen also.


These are somewhat very similar (actually a lot better looking) to TweetDeck Desktop. They pop up whenever you get a new Tweet, Mention, DM, Search etc. This obviously only occurs in the TweetDeck application itself, due to the iPhone's restrictions on background processes, but they are a nice little addition to the app itself, for that added sleekness/feature-rich application they were probably looking for.

API Call Information:

This is different for an iPhone Twitter application to have - an 'API Call Remaining' feature.

Let's Tweet:

Tweeting in TweetDeck for the iPhone is easy. All you need to do it tap the new tweet icon in the top right (1m) and you're presented with a text box, the keyboard and the option to shorten a url, post an image and post your current GPS location to your Twitter profile or to Google Maps. It also appears that URL's are shortened through


TweetDeck for iPhone seems to be a very decent iPhone Twitter client, although could do with some touch-ups here and there, and the possibility of some new settings. I'd really like to see functionality to just have the zoomed out tweet view (below) as opposed to the full screened one. I like the look and feel of scrolling through each deck that way much better, and think it makes the UI look a lot tidier also.

In terms of keeping up with its sister on the desktop, they have done incredibly well. What sets this app apart from all of the others is a) free b) exclusive 'deck' UI c) pop-up notifications (in-app).

It's a very competitive app and will give all of the other iPhone Twitter applications a run for their money. I, myself have tried the majority, if not all, of the iPhone Twitter apps and this is by far my favourite and has found its pride of place on page one on my iPhone home screen!

A few snags though - it tends to crash on occasion when a large amount of notifications come in, and scrolling is rather rugged compared to other apps such as Tweetie and TwitterFon. By this, I mean it doesn't scroll smoothly and jitters just a tad.

Other than that, I've found no problems as of yet!

Definitely recommended to anybody with an iPhone and likes to Tweet.

You can find me on Twitter at @LewisBeechey