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Entries in mac (138)


The Apple Tablet

The Apple tablet seems to be the big thing that people are talking about at the moment, but has apple even said that they are bringing out a tablet yet?, or is it just a load of rumours that will likely be wrong when the keynote comes up in a weeks time?, well I personally think it might be happening but this is Apple that I am talking about and most of the time they make surprises that are LIKE what we expected, like when everybody though that there would be a camera on the iPod Touch, it was on the iPod Nano instead, so is Apple TRYING to get the public to think at there is something LIKE the Apple Tablet coming or will it be the first Apple Tablet since the Newton?, well alls we have now is a name, iSlate and some concept pictures that the community has done for us to get an insight of what one might look like, I personally think that Apple could have made something from them concepts because they are very good and I don't see why Apple might not use a similar design. 

Getting on to the point of the design, a lot of people are saying it will look like a 10inch iPhone with a iPhone run OS, they could be right, or maybe Apple might have went with the Apple HD Cinema display design, but whatever the design is it will promise to be sleek like every Apple Product. 

OS? what OS might it run you ask?, well some people are speculating that it might be iPhone kind of OS, but a lot more advanced, and they maybe right because for it to run a copy of Mac OS X it would have to have a HDD in it and how are they going to fit that in a tablet that supposed to be portable?. 

Which brings me onto my next question, what will be the hardware, will it have a disk drive?, iSight Camera?, SSD HDD?, what processor will it be using?, a lot of these questions have yet to be asked, I mean I'd like to know at least a hint of what it might have in it. 

And Finally, not to get confused, I mean I am not ranting here, I'd just like to know more really, but I guess that will come in a weeks time weather they announce it or not, I mean like always with Apple "It happens, when it happens..."


7-Hour MacBook Pro Battery Experiment

So you bought your new MacBook and you’re not only excited about the stunning design or the revolutionary OS, the supposed 7-hour battery really makes you giddy. Well my refurbished 13” MacBook Pro is advertised with a 7 hour battery, so I thought I’d really put it to the test. Before I jump into my experiment, let me give you some back history on my MacBook Pro. 

As I said, my MacBook Pro is refurbished. I received on September 9th 2009, so 9/9/09. It has a hard drive of 160GB, 2GB of ram with a 2.26GHz processor. Since it is refurbished, that may have some effect on battery life, but I can’t say for certain.

So let’s begin with the actual experiment. In order to give my battery the full advantage, I used these controls: I made sure the battery started out with 100%. I also turned the brightness of the screen down from 2-5 clicks, I know that seems very low, but again, I wanted to give the battery every opportunity to succeed. These are some of the things I did while testing my battery life: I did simple browsing in Firefox, had Tweetie opened the whole time and regularly tweeted, and wrote notes in TextEdit. I had keyboard brightness turned up all the way and Bluetooth turned off. 

I started at 4:00pm. Here are some random time intervals at which I took down the battery percentage.

  • 4:02-99%
  • 4:08-98%
  • 4:35-90%
  • 4:45-88%
  • 4:54-84%
  • 5:00-83%
  • 5:26-74%
  • 5:37-71%
  • 5:45-69%
  • 5:52-67%
  • 6:00-65%
  • 6:23-60%
  • 6:36-56%
  • 6:52-51%
  • 7:00-50%
  • 7:11-47%
  • 7:17-45%
  • 7:25-42%
  • 7:34-40%
  • *Started watching a video online at 40%
  • 7:44-36%
  • 7:53-32%
  • 8:10-30%
  • 35 minutes of inactivity
  • 8:45-23%
  • 8:52-21%
  • 9:00-20%

Those are the results for my 7-hour battery experiment. So in conclusion, with the brightness turned down most of the way and doing simple processes, I was able to get about 5 hours. It isn’t a 7 hour battery, but it’s pretty darn close. I hope you find my extra time and extreme geekiness interesting.


Things You Never Hear (From a Mac User)

Just a humorous little video about the Mac universe. This is a parody of "Things You Never Hear" by Seth Macfarlane.


What Do You Use Your Computer For?

By now, we all have computers. Whether it’s a Mac or a PC, we all use our computers in a different way. Maybe you use it for business or for personal use, I want to walk you through how I use my Mac.


Being the tech go-to guy in my family, I am often the person taking pictures at various family functions. Being on a Mac allows me to import them into iPhoto, adjust them if needed, and eventually mass-forward them to my family. So, one way I use my computer is primarily focused around photos.


Being a music lover, my iTune library is at about 3GB’s of music. I am constantly syncing my iPod and downloading songs on a daily basis. Not to mention TV show’s and podcasts, my library is quite extensive. Another way I use my Mac is for music and music management. 


Being in school, I don’t use it for ‘work’ work. But I do use it for word processing in Pages, presentations in Keynote, and the occasional table in Numbers. But lately, I’ve found myself using PowerPoint more because it is more PC compatible which comes in handy at school.


Without my computer, I wouldn’t be able to access my social accounts such as Twitter and Facebook. Both of which are important to me. 

So in conclusion, those are some of the things that I use my computer for. What do you use your computer for? Leave a response and enjoy! 

Follow me on Twitter


iChat vs Adium - Fight!

For about two years now, there are always heated debates in the Chat sector of the Mac, debating if iChat or Adium is the best Mac Chatting client. I've used both Adium and iChat for an extensive amount of time, and I personally prefer iChat since it has a simplistic UI and I don't use the platforms it doesn't support anyways, so I don't have a problem with that. So, I've decided to make a few rounds of head to head competition on the major aspects of what is expected of a chat client. Then, at the end, I'll post comments from people who I've asked the preference of client.

Round 1 - Platform Support

iChat and Adium both support multiple chatting platforms, such as AIM, Jabber, MobileMe, and usually work fine. However, Adium supports almost 4 times more of what iChat supports, and it also works fine. What Adium supports that iChat doesn't:

  • Yahoo! Messenger
  • MySpace IM
  • Facebook
  • QQ
  • LiveJournal
  • ICQ
  • Novell GroupWise
  • MSN Messenger

Adium definitely is the winner in Round 1. iChat doesn't have a wide selection of different chat support, it only supports the basics.

Round 2 - User Interface

Now, here is where things get kind of tough. Adium has an OK basic UI, however you can fully customize it to whatever fits you. iChat has an amazing basic nice and bland UI, however you can't change the font, UI, or colors unless you use a 3rd party application, such as chax. However, the latest version of Chax is no longer an add-on, its an actual app. But it looks exactly like iChat and you can fully edit it. So who wins this one? Its really a tie because Adium's base UI is weaker than iChat's, but you can edit the UI completely and make it just like you want it. You can change fonts and order of how iChat's buddy list is sent by using Chax, but you can't change the actual UI like it's colors. You can change the format which is included in the actual iChat(meaning you can change format w/o Chax), to Bubbles, Boxes, or Compact. Round 2 is a tie between iChat and Adium.

Round 3 - What you think

I asked a few people of what they thought of iChat and what they thought of Adium and also asked them what the better client was. Here's what they Said:

TrueSongmedia answered Adium is better: "because it 1) is more stable ... 2) supports more protocols ... 3) looks better ... 4) can log/organize chats". He also went on to add "iChat is okay, but Apple should get a clue and use the libpurple library for IM instead of writing their own crappy one".

Jeff answered Adium because it had multiple platform support.

So, it looks like the majority of people prefer Adium because of the reasons I've stated in the blog post. It would be nice to see Apple make iChat more customizable, but seeing how pretty much every other Apple-made Application is nice and basic, I don't see that happening in the near future. But since I do LOVE the simplistic interface on iChat, I'll keep to iChat.

If you'd like to follow me on Twitter, I'm @Knunez.