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Entries in Microsoft (53)


Microsoft Office 2010

Microsoft has spoken, so it is written. The next Mac version of Microsoft Office is to be released in late 2010, and it will replace Entourage with Outlook. What’s the point in this switch? Outlook is expected to have more support for Exchange features which does matter if you work in one of the thousands of businesses that uses Exchange. It’s great that Microsoft concerns itself with petty Mac users, but does this have anything to do with the announcement that Mail will have Exchange support in Snow Leopard? Ironic, don’t you think?


Other news is there will be Visual Basic support and a new “business addition” of Office. Along with that, there are rumors that Microsoft’s new partnership with Nokia might be leading to a version of Microsoft Office for mobile phones. Microsoft refuses to share any juicy details but only time will tell what they have in store. I don’t know, but if the Zune HD sells well, maybe we’ll be looking at a Zune Mobile.






Zune HD Pricing Leaked

Call me crazy, but I think the most useful thing about Amazon is it's ability to leak important information to the public.  This is a screenshot provided by the lovely folks at Amazon showing Microsoft's Zune HD pricing.  Microsoft surprised me by making their Zunes significantly cheaper than iPods.  With September only a few weeks away, I wonder how Apple will respond to this.  I could only hope that they'd bring down the prices of the Touch models, but who knows.



Are these prices enough to make you consider buying one?  I hadn't planned on it, but $290 versus $399 seems very enticing to me.





Natal Update

Microsoft is basically on the top of their game right now.  First Windows 7, then the Zune HD, and now there has been a leak that Natal is coming out late next year!  Specific details are still being withheld, but so far there is word that Electronic Arts is supporting Natal, and MS is planning on integrating Natal with Windows.  Even the biggest Microsoft haters cannot deny how cool this product looks.  If you don't believe me check out the demo.




Thoughts on the Zune HD

The past few days there has been a lot of news regarding Microsoft's new Zune HD. I personally think the new Zune looks really nice, but I don't foresee it being the "iPod Killer" that Microsoft hopes it will be. What do you guys think? Will you be waiting in line to buy one of these?





Could Bing Overtake Google?

Bing is a search engine that was made to compete with Google, Yahoo and other notable search engines. This was big news for Microsoft and the tech industry. However, many non-techys dont even know what Bing is. Microsoft aired many adds for Bing but they were somewhat meaningless and boring. After watching the add several times I still didn't know what Bing was. 

I honestly dont think that Bing will ever catch on. Everyone, and I mean everyone uses Google. Why change? Google is a great search engine, quite possibly the best in the world. I use Google all the time and have it bookmarked within my browser. Why go to the trouble to change that bookmark to Bing when Google works perfectly fine. I think the main point in why most people won't change from Google to Bing is because Google works seamlessly with no trouble. Why try to fix something that isn't broken?

Many people, including myself, have given Bing a fair chance. But when your using Bing, you realize something... It's not Google!

Final Verdict: Bing will not overtake Google.

Thanks so much for reading,


