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Entries in Review (154)


The Sims 3: Review.

Hello guys, I'm new to this social blog so hi, this is my first post. You can find me at other places like on my website or on my YouTube channel. You can also follow me on Twitter.

The Sims 3 is an amazing and exiting game, I preordered my copy a few weeks before at for just £29.39 and I got it on the 7th (I used FREE Super Saver delivery) which was just 2 days after release date which is pretty good.

I ripped open the packaging and got ready to install the game on my 20" iMac with 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 duo processor. (The game works for Windows & Mac) Installation took about 30 minutes, considering the game is a hefty 6GB I was pretty impressed.

I fired up the game, and was amazed by how fast the game loaded, its a BIG improvement in loading times to The Sims 2, its also really cool how you do not need to wait through long loading screens before you go to somebody's house or community lot.

The graphics with the game are impressive, although after a while I think the game feels quite the same (graphic wise) to The Sims 2, which is fine with me! Although the sims themselves look MUCH better now, there faces are so much smoother! Which brings me on to...

Create a Sim is EXCELLENT! Rather than choose between low, medium and high you can have anything in between that. Controls like this come into play with weight, skin tones, and muscles. I love that you can make Sims proper fat this time, which is really funny! I made a really fat sim, and when I was playing her in the game, I got her to loose all of her weight, and she is very skinny now!!

The amount of customization of the sims is great, you can change the basic of features, or you can dive right in and go PRO! You can change almost anything the nose, the width of the nose, the nostrils, the lips, the lip height and width, chins, foreheads EVERYTHING!

Needs are much easier to control now, in the sense that you don't always have to be getting your sims to do stuff, they can just manage themselves, although you can step in if you want to. Some gamers feel this is a let down, I feel its a much better, you can get on and explore more rather than worry about when they need a pee!

In the game settings you are allowed to change a bunch of controls including, aging; short, normal, long, or EPIC 960 sim days. You can also toggle the free will controls; off, low, medium, high.

I love how to controls of the game are pretty much the same, like they have always been but with a few tweaks. Its good because its what were used to, and I think the controls in all of The Sims games are really good!

An interesting feature of The Sims 3 is that when your sims work, or go to school you can choose how you would like them to perform, they could gossip with friends, work hard, slack of, or just make it business as usual.

What I really didn't like about the game is that a lot of the lots like work, and schools you cannot see inside, they just travel to the lot, and they go inside, and you won't see them until work is done.

I think the game still has a lot more to offer, as I haven't explored everything yet, as with all of The Sims games, the possibilities are pretty much ENDLESS! I rate this game a solid 9/10 and my sister, and all of my friends have good fun with it. I'm ADDICTED!


Full Body Invisible Shield for iPhone Review

Don't you get tired seeing so many different kind of screen protectors for iPhones? Well, I'm sure you probably have and always don't know which one to get. The invisible shield is the best shield protector in the market. This is simply an amazing shield. Sure it is pricey, but it does the job, and it does the job brilliantly. 

I have received the full body shield and literally, covers the whole body of the iPhone. It covers the back to the bezels and to the screen. It is a great quality product and comes with a squeegee, and a spray for easy installing. The packaging is also great quality. It has all of the application instructions written on it and it shows every bit of step. 

I have had the invisible shield for weeks and this is just the best protector. The screen protector will never would rip off of the device, and its even hard trying to take it off. Since this is a very thin layer of screen protector, it will fit in the docking station smoothly. It has cut-outs for every parts with buttons and the dock opening at the bottom. Applying it at first, can be a bit rough, so you should be careful. Because once it sticks, it can be a bit tough taking it off. 

I have a *My Thoughts* video below, if you wish to watch it. 




There's Useful Software In Windows, Who Knew?

So everyone says Macs are better, buy a Mac! Well, i strongly agree with that. But i don't have a Mac, so that changes the subject altogether. Their are some very useful third party software for Windows.

One program that totally copies Mac, well 3 programs, are RKLauncher, Objectdock, and Rocketdock. They can also do the stacks function with the stacks plug-in. These programs are very very helpful for windows, especially if you don't want clutter on your desktop, i have nothing on my desktop and i use RKLauncher as my start menu.

Another program that i use daily is Launchy. It is like the search in vista and spotlight on Mac, its searches as you type, for everything in your drivers. I personally use this at least 30+ times a day. My opinion is, is that it is 10 times better than the Vista search. You can download skins, plug-ins, and you can also set your own hot-keys.

Have you ever wanted to be notified when you get an Email, notifications from Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn, and tweets from twitter? Have you ever wanted to chat on all of your IM's (instant messengers)? Well you can now, with Digsby!! It supports AIM, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, IRC, Jabber, and the Facebook chat. It supports the following emails: Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL/AIM Mail, and IMAP and POP. The social networks it supports are Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Do you like to listen to music? Do you like to go on the internet? If you do then Songbird is the program for you. The reason why I'm posting this program is because well you can do 2 things in one program. Actually, you can add so many add-ons for Songbird, there are add-ones being added for it every day. One little extra you can do is search other peoples blogs and websites and you can download their music that's on that page. You can customize Songbird as much as you want, you can get themes, which are called feathers to give full customization. I have customize Songbird to be an exact look alike to iTunes.

Have you ever wanted to download music videos or extract the audio from videos? Well here's you chance! Just download TubeTilla, what happens is, is that you download the FLV file and you have to either keep it as FLV or convert it to MP4, MP3, WMV, DIVX, XVID, MPEG, or MOV all in the same program!! Also, you can change the name before you convert it.

Another very useful software i use a lot is a media converter. This one i think does the most out of all the converters I've tried. It is called WM Converter. You can convert, merge, split, or process any bit of content into WMV, MP4, MPG, AVI, FLV, 3GP, and MP3. You can convert the content into the following content: Good, Better, Low, Custom, and the Default. You can convert multiple media at the same time. Also, you can choose the input and output folders. All you have to do is, drag the content into WM Converter and click your options, and your all done. Its the easiest converter i have ever used!

Here is a useful tool if you want to get rid of a bit of space. If your like me, you want to have the most space you can have. You may know this program, its called CCleaner. I run mine about twice a day and each time i do so, i remove about 60MB. You can choose the programs and folders you want to clean out. First off, what you to do is go to Cleaner, and adjust your settings, then click Analyze then click Run Cleaner. Next, you go to Registry, and click the options you want to scan, then click Scan For Issues, after it scans click Fix Selected Issues. Then a confirm window will pop up saying, Fix Issue or Fix All Issues, click one and then click close.


If you liked this, visit my blog.


App Review: myHomework

Price: Free

Developed By:Rodrigo Neri


myHomework is a simple and easy to use iPhone/iPod Touch application that allows you to keep track of your homework, classes, projects, and tests while interacting with a really cool user interface. I am going to go in-depth of this application. It is free so why not test it out? Especially if your a High School or College student this app is a must for you.


OK so when you first open up the app you get a notepad background with credits to the developer of the application. Right after it finishes loading the page peels to the top left corner and your on your main myHomework page by default which is the Homework List. There are 3 total sticky tabs on the bottom of the notepad that consist of:

  • Homework List(Yellow Sticky)
  • Classes(Green Sticky)
  • Settings(Blue Sticky)

On the top right of the notepad of both the Homework list and classes pages consists of a "Add +" button. Tap it and then another paper graphic and a paper clip. Now this is your form to add new homework/classes. The forms for the New Homework submissions gives you these form items:

  • *Title- Which is obviously needed in order to add it to your notepad.
  • Class- To attach a class name that the homework originates from.
  • Type- Is it a project, test or just homework?
  • *Due Date- Again needed to submit. Lets you know when its due.
  • Notes- Very useful if your teacher/professor gives certain instructions for assignment.

Once your finished filling in your assignment you then go ahead and tap the green Confirm button or if you decided for some reason to not add it then go ahead and tap the Cancel button. Pretty straight forward and very easy to do.


Overall Thoughts:

This is by far the best application that I have come across under the Education category in the app store. The design is amazing and fits well into the concept of the application itself. It acts as a to-do list but for people who are in school/college. Overall this is a great application and recommended getting it since its free, and if your in school/college. This app gets a 9/10 for the fact that there could have been more things implemented to this app to make it better. The app is very small and there isn't much too it which some might say makes it better. An idea that was floating around in my head while messing around with this app was that it could use a Category option to where you could sort all of homework, projects, tests etc.

Read the full review here. The review is very long and I didn't want to take up the whole front page of the social blog here.  Hope you enjoyed my review.  And I will be back with more design and review posts for the Social Blog.



Review: Awaken

This video was produced by

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