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Entries in Rumors (10)


Apple iPad: Give It Chance

Recently, there has been a truck load of hate aimed at the new Apple iPad; mostly from people have not used it, but interestingly enough, Apple fans and fanboys. The iPad is a letdown in many eyes, but I believe that is because of the way far fetched rumors and eye popping fake images. People overhyped the iPad and were then let down. Here is why I am defending the iPad and why you should give it another chance! Leave some comments below or add a video response to the video.



New Apple "iSlate" Rumors

 With all these rumors of an upcoming touch tablet PC from Apple I decided to take all the rumors and put them into one video. Enjoy!


Intel Core i9

Intel has been making a lot of new processors like the core i5 and the core i7 both being four-core processors . But the core i9 is a amazing six-core processor which will be using the Intel Nehalem Microarchitecture in the 3 nm shrink. The core i9 is also called Gulftown.  We do not know any reason they they call it that but I have always believed that they went to some 10 year old kid and asked him what should we call our next processor and so he goes and makes some weird name up like Nehalem. The core i9 server version will be the Xeon 5600-series. There is no news on a mobile version of it right now but after it comes out they may make one but until than let’s just wait and see.

The intel core i9 will be coming out in the in quarter 2 aka the towards the half of 2010. The core i9 benchmarks are 50% faster than the corresponding quad core Xeon for parallel tasks. Despite having 50% more transistors, the CPU strongly benefits from 32-nm engraving as it drains 50% less power in idle mode. The core i9 will be the most power fullest processor  yet.

If you are going to build a computer next year I would wait until the new core i9 comes out. Also if you are going to buy the apple mac pro I would wait as well because rumors say that it will be getting it but when the mac pro will get it they will have two of them which will make 12 physical core and a huge 24 logical cores which will make it so much faster than the old mac pros. So I would wait to build a computer and wait to buy a apple mac pro.

I hope you enjoyed it and fell free to leave a comment under this post.

Caleb F.


More Apple Tablet Rumors

Everyone is fully aware that the Apple rumor mill is working overtime with the new tablet, but the newest tidbit is that it's coming out in September and it's going to be between $699 and $799.  If this is true, I cannot wait or this extra large iPod Touch to come out.  I think it's going to take computing and gaming to a whole new level.  With something this good, it's no wonder why competitors have stopped production till after the tablet is (or isn't) announced.




Apple: Too Secret? 

The New York Timeswrote a feature article about Apple and how they keep their ideas and future products a secret, and how it is almost an obsession.


My only guess to the NY Times writing an article like this is because Apple's secrecy is such a hot topic that is covered by hundreds and hundreds of blogs, like mine,MacRumors,TheAppleBlog, and just about everyone else who talks about Apple.

As if blogging wasn't already enough, the New York Times goes on to say that the secrecy of Apple is covered by other sites, and that they attract thousands of visitors every day. No kidding. If you ask me, this article was just a cheap shot to get extra traffic to the NY Times website, because, this article has already been on MacRumors and other Apple "secrecy" sites, such as mine, and is likely to get tons of people to go over and read it.

Likewise, I thought I would give the folks at the NY Times a little bit of trouble.

Appleis one of the world’s coolest companies. But there is one cool-company trend it has rejected: chatting with the world through blogs and dropping tidbits of information about its inner workings.

Is there a list of "cool-company" trends I could look at? As far as I'm concerned there aren't too many "cool-companies" that go out and share their future plans with blogs, and even if there are, information gets out of Apple all the time, how else would the rumor sites continue to run? Employees at Apple talk every once and a while.

Employees have been fired for leaking news tidbits to outsiders, and the company (Apple) has been known to spread disinformation about product plans to its own workers.

Who says people from other companies haven't been fired for leaking information? It happens at every company. As for disinformation to it's own workers, that's actually a pretty smart idea, if they want to prevent their information from getting out, then they lie about it, it's common sense if you want to be secret.

-Charles Elson, director of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance at theUniversity of Delaware. “For a technology company that views itself as innovative, it’s a little odd that they are getting a reputation for lack of transparency.”

How is it odd? If anything, being secretive about you're company is very healthy for it. By being secretive, you gather more interest towards your company, and are likely to have a more successful launch of you're product, as Apple has proved with it's past iPhones and the current one.

This is exactly why I don't like normal news organizations reporting on Apple and technology.

Image: The New York Times


My Bite Into Apple

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