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Entries in videos (2)


Vuemix Video Browser Review

Ever wanted to share a collection of different clips, or even view them at the same time? This is hard enough to do on a PC, and pretty much impossible on a phone. At least until now, thanks to the Vuemix Video Browser app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Vuemix is the first ever app that allows you to view up to nine different video clips at once.

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How to Create a Successful Website

You have an amazing new idea for a website. This idea will generate you thousands, possibly millions of dollars a month. But you worry about one thing, how will I make it successful? How do I make users come back for more? How do I generate new users? These tips will help you with your struggle.

Social Media is your friend

One major factor in creating a successful website is to put yourself out there. The best way to do this is by whoring social media like it is your job! Register a Twitter account for your new website, and post links to the latest content on your website. This is an easy way of getting the latest content from your website out to your community. Also, create a Facebook page for your website. This is a great way for people to get the latest news on their Facebook Feed when they sign on.

Simplicity is key

Keep your website simple. You will confuse users if your website is cluttered with content and images. A good example of a cluttered website is TechnoBuffalo. Website's like this try to jam too much content onto the homepage. You only need one column of the latest post's on your website, and then separate pages for other subjects. For example, if you have a website about all things technology, keep the latest post's on the front page in one column, and then if you have one category about reviews, make it a complete separate page where all of the post's about that category can go.


If your website has a budget, then find websites that have large audiences and ask the person in charge if you could advertise on their website.


Another great way for your website's content to get out is to have an RSS feed. A lot of people use RSS readers to get content from their favorite website's. Make sure that your website has an RSS feed!

Get Feedback!

If you are looking at constantly improving your content, then create a feedback system! Even if its a simple form on your website. This will allow you to see what your users like about your website, and what they don't. Make sure to improve your website all the time!

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