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Entries in web design (17)


Why Create a Professional Online Resume with WordPress

I'm sure you have a resume, we all do. It might be on paper, a USB stick or in the cloud but you'll have one. You probably uploaded it onto a number of online job sites and have a digital version ready to email to employers. One thing you might be missing is an online version that you control 100%. You can get complete control over the look of your own Resume if you use WordPress to build and updating and amending it is simply a case of a few clicks and a little typing.

Benefits of an Online Resume

It's only natural for you to want your Resume to look nice, after all the nicer and more eye-catching it is the more likely the employer is to notice you.

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How to Use HTML Tags: Design the Web | Lesson 2

Welcome to this week's lesson of Design the Web. Today we are going to learn how to use some of the more simple tags in HTML, and how to setup a simple HTML template. We're going to take it nice and slow; if you have questions at the end, just leave a comment, and I'll get back to ASAP.

Quick recap: last week we found out what a tag is. An HTML element is an individual component of an HTML document, meaning, when your browser is reading the code, if it sees the tag, it will know what to do with the specified tag. Now let's learn how to us them. First, we are going to include the basic and required tags of a HTML page, such as:

  • <head>
  • <body>
  • <html>

Just the ones we need. Here is how they should be placed:

Now we're going to add some essential stuff to it, such as a title and then some text. The title will be: Demo Page (or whatever you want). We will say "Hello World."

Now let's stop to talk about it. The is telling the web browser, "Hey! I'm HTML code!". The HEAD tag is where you keep the code that tells the BODY tag how to do things. The BODY tag is where all the content goes, like our 'Hello World!'. The H2 tag is a Header 2, the second biggest text on a page. This tag makes the text large and bold.

This week we discovered a pretty basic HTML layout. We even made a super simple page that said 'hello to the world'. Guess what we will be doing next week. We will be taking this simple HTML page and adding more content, a menu, and maybe even an image. 

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Start an Extra Income Work at Home Business with a Theme Web Site

This article was originally posted at

Many are starting extra income work at home businesses doing what they love by creating web sites on subjects whom they know about and enjoy. The net offers a great opportunity to turn any knowledge, passion, skills or hobbies into a part time business for extra money and the ability to grow the business into a full time opportunity that makes great money. The way this is done is by providing useful and unique pages of content on the site that is providing information about a theme. With a combination of people looking for information on a subject and supplying those pages on a web site about the subject or theme one does well with the search engines, get traffic wanting toe information on the site and in turn produce income off the pages in many different ways. 

Getting the traffic is the tough part, at least in the beginning. Without visitors who actually want the information on the site coming into the site making money will be difficult. So any extra income work at home theme site needs to understand how to bring the traffic in. The search engines provide most of the best traffic on the net, and it is not brain surgery on how to get the traffic from them. Just understand what the search engines are looking for and then giving it to them are all that is involved. 

To be successful with an extra income work at home business using a web site getting traffic and being able to produce income from traffic is going to come down to the quality of the site. People who discover the sites are going to have to like what is on the site and the pages are going to have to provide what they were looking for. Without people liking the information on the site they will not make purchases and without content on the site the search engines will never give the pages top rankings to get the traffic. 

The competition can be fierce as well because there is only so many sites that get the top rankings for a page and the keyword in which it is based. This is why for an extra income work at home web site it is best to find a niche which is not as competitive. This makes it much easier to bring in traffic from the search engines and not have to compete with big sites. Coming up with a profitable niche takes a little time and research, but eventually you will be able to find a bunch of non competitive keywords, that provide a niche theme that will be easy to win over. Keep the niche on something you know, and that you are sure can be turned into a valuable resource site on the niche theme people will trust. 

By building the site on a theme and discovering a niche which has demand from keywords, meaning people are looking for information, and also that there are not millions of other sites competing for will produce profitable results quickly. The little trick here is to come up with a broad theme and then keep seeing how it can be brought down into a niche concept with enough demand. For example, if a theme is sports than that can be broken down to baseball but baseball is still too broad. By looking at keywords you mat discover that there is a ton of searches for a single team or perhaps a certain area of baseball such as stadiums. A niche web site theme can be built around such a niche by becoming the site that is the best resource on a baseball team or a resource on all the baseball stadiums. Income can be made by selling tickets, books, clothing and more because the visitors will have an interest in the subjects and topics of the site. 

Finding a profitable niche theme for a web site makes it easier and quicker to get an extra income work at home business with a web site off the ground. It becomes much more difficult to dominate the search engines with broad and competitive web site themes and keywords because everyone is competing for them. It will take much more time and work to eventually be able to pull in the traffic required to make income in this manner. By focusing on areas which no one else is covering yet people are looking for information on means that the site gets search engine exposure and that the traffic needed comes in and with targeted interested traffic comes great income opportunities, which can be taken advantage of with advertising, affiliate programs, services and hard goods.



Principles of Designing a Website

This article was originally posted on

In designing a websites, many web designers normally follow a set of principles on how to properly design a website. According to many Web design Philippines experts, the standards of designing a website have introduced a number of changes compared to the practices in the past, such as assuring a website’s accessibility and usability through its designs. 

So what are these principles or practices that web designers follow in today’s modern trends in designing a website? 

Neatly Designed Navigation 

The navigation is an integral part of every websites. It is used to assist visitors to navigate through the website without having to scroll down or look of an appropriate link to point them on the page they are looking for. 

However, the navigation bar should also be designed as simple as possible. It should be easily used by any visitors, experienced or not. This can be designed with a drop down menu, normally to provide a quick way to get to a specific page under the same category, or just a simple link to another page. Using of Flash may help to beautify the navigation, but many experts suggest to only use simple animations, such as through the use of CSS or JavaScript. 

Simple Layout 

The goal of designing a website, according to many Web design Philippines experts, is to help visitors get to their goal as much as possible. Try to minimize the use of images or Flash animations to not distract visitors. Medium length content as well as the use of header tags on titles is also required to assist visitors to quickly search for their information. 

Using Pure CSS 

The use of CSS have become an integral part of designing a website, and the use of tables have steadily declined in today’s modern web designing practices. Other than for tables, the use of CSS have also replaced the use of Flash for simple animations such button animations. 

Faster Load Time

The reason why CSS became a standard in website development and design is because of its bandwidth saving capabilities compared to the use of tables. However, there are also other reasons why many websites today load slower compared to others. 

One reason that affects the speed of websites is the use of Flash movies on their websites, which significantly takes a lot of bandwidth. The use of high-resolution images is also one of the cause. Another the use of too much codes, such as the heavy use of JavaScript. 

Browser Compatibility 

This is important because not all users only use Firefox nor Internet Explorer as their main browser. In today’s trends, websites should be 90% compatible to all types of browsers available in the market, particularly in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. And because of the growth of mobile browsing, websites should as be as compatible to mobile browsers as much as possible. 

Website Scalability 

Websites should be able to re-size itself in any type of screen resolutions. According to many Web design Philippines experts, this is normally achieved through the use of CSS. 

2:29PM Online Learning

Interactive Communication Design I and II at ITT Tech was a great class. I learned a lot of great concepts about Flash, designing a website, hosted my work on the now defunct GeoCities, but that is OK because I have migrated over to Jimdo.

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