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Entries by Robert Mozayeni (27)


Final Cut Cloning

Cloning in Final Cut example:

How to do it:


iPhone 4G

Apple has always been a company that lived by the simple-yet-powerful-and-expandable model religiously. But I think that may have made them susceptible to the über geeks out there. When nerds (different than geeks) look at a device, they see specs. They don't see build quality. They don't see UI quality. THEY SEE SPECS. That's why they're all raving about the Nexus One, with it's 1GHz processor.

Apple has slowly started to creep towards putting features in their products that are very important to add, however, with previous versions and designs, would disrupt the design elegance of the product. For example, most MacBook models, and the iMac have an SD card slot.

That's why I think Apple is going to JAM-PACK this new iPhone with a whole bunch of features they would NOT have put in before. The technology may have not been quite up to Apple's standards as of that point, but that has changed.

I think the next iPhone will have:

  • A 2GHz processor made by PA Semi, a company owned by Apple
  • A 5-megapixel camera with flash, which would make the phone look ugly usually, however, it might be hidden behind the Apple logo on the back.
  • A removable battery (maybe)– Many business users use the iPhone constantly, daily. A battery that small just can't hold a charge for very long, and therefore, this is probably one of the most requested features from business customers and road warriors.
  • A totally overhauled UI (With background apps)–Steve Jobs loves to start from scratch. The iPhone UI has gotten old and stale after 3 years. Steve Jobs very well knows that. 

Hopefully these things will come true.

I think this iPhone will come out very soon. March/April. Apple always releases a new SDK and firmware beta in March, however, I think some of the new features won't run on current iPhone models, and therefore, Apple will need to release the new iPhone around the same time, so that the full potential of the SDK can be displayed. For instance, iPhone 3.0 was introduced in March 2009, but the video capture feature wasn't introduced until June, when the 3GS came out.

My 2¢



How will you buy the iSlate?

The godSlate that Apple is supposedly releasing this year will need to be sold efficiently and quickly to keep up with demand. There may be a huge amount of people buying it on opening day, and that may raise some issues.

The first iPhone sold very quickly, but not as quickly as the 3G, which knocked out Apple servers on opening daydue to immense amount of sales. This was the first iPhone that required in-store activation. Apple learned their lesson, and when the iPhone 3GS came out, there weren't any hiccups. They allowed you to reserve the iPhone online, and then pick it up in stores, or have it mailed to you. The 3GS sold as many as the 3G, but it was flawless this time. And, it's gotten even better… Apple does not have to physically activate iPhones that are purchased in stores by opening them up at the checkout counter. They just scan them with the new iPod Touch checkout systems.



How will you interact with a tablet?

Think different.

Apple has always been a company of wow. The Mac introduced the GUI. The iPod introduced the click wheel. The iPhone introduced multitouch. Every time Apple releases a new major platform, they totally rock the boat. You may hate Apple. You may hate the products, but they reset the new standards of the whole industry. The Mac led to Windows. The iPod led to the Zune. The iPhone led to Android, and the Pre. Every Apple product does something really cool, and eventually it may not seem that awesome, after all the new devices have that feature, but do you remember how cool the iPhone looked when it was released? How utterly shocking? How gorgeous? Well, Apple would be pretty unwise to release a new platform without some giant feature. Something TOTALLY new. Imagine being in the world of command line, and then seeing a "mouse." The tablet will not just be a big iPhone. It'll be much more.

And I think the killer feature, or at least one of them, will be three-dimensional hand gestures. It's new, and it's pretty freaking cool. Not to mention, Apple files a patent for such a product just before the anticipated product release date. This will be the future of computing. And it would destroy the Wii.

All I can say is, if you're using the tablet by waving your fingers through the air, people who don't know what it is you're doing will give you an odd look.



The Tablet?