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Entries by Robert Mozayeni (27)


The New Apple?

Apple has always been determined to make computers for the average person, but, as the average person has changed since the Mac, and even since the iPhone, so has Apple.

Before 1984, the average person was baffled by computers. They were only really used by people who were proficient at the least, and were only in institutions. Apple aimed to change that with their GUI.

Before 2007 cell phones were crap. None of them did everything you wanted. They were either easy to use, with little functionality, or hard to use, with tons of features. The iPhone changed that. 

But now, the average user is a little more computer savvy. They understand the concept of mobile multitasking, the concept of apps running simultaneously, and, in general, people understand more about technology than they did even just 3 years ago. PCs have always been about features, Macs, and all Apple products, have been about ease of use. But As people change, Apple changes too. They have been...



This is not the production iPhone

Today Gizmodo released pics of the so-called "next iPhone."

It contains a front-facing camera, possibly ceramic back, a larger lens camera on the back (with a flash), and a second microphone for noise cancellation.

But is this NOT really the next iPhone? Bite From The Apple goes deeper to try and think about whether or not this is the next iPhone.


The iPad has Changed the World

If you are old enough to remember the Mac in 1984, you remeber how revolutionary the GUI was. Although Xerox invented it, Apple took it to the next level; pioneering a new era in computing. Whether or not you prefer Mac over PC, or even if you hate the Mac, you have to admit it simplified computing for all. And as Apple continues to simplify the computer for the average user, the hard core PC user says that Macs are for "fags" and "retards."

Apple is simplifying the computer, as they did in 1984. I ask you Mac haters; if simifying the computer makes Macs "faggy," then do you consider the GUI that simplified the computer, and replaced command line, "faggy" as well?

Well, Apple took a big leap. Today, the iPad was released to the world. It may seem like a big iPhone, but it's a stepping stone to the future of computing. The iPad will simplify computing, and make it more powerful. It is to the Mac what the Mac was to the Apple][.

It will change things. Because as the iPad becomes more like a computer, and gains more features, becoming simpler in the process, it'll csnibalize your need for a computer. Unless you write programs, and professionally edit video, you may get rid of your computer all together. But eventually, movie editing may come to an iPad-like device. You'd be able to directly handle your video clips. And programming of the future may become totally object oriented, and come to an iPad-like device as well. Slowly but surely, the computer as we know it will disappear... as command line did.

Because being able to just reach out and touch your work... to be able to interact with it that intimately is the true innovation of the iPad.

Before you know it, we'll be writing apps and editing movies on an iPad like device.

In 1984, it was "Welcome to Macintosh."

In 2010,

I welcome you to iPad. Mr. Jobs, you have successfully put a ding into the universe.

Read more posts like this at Bite From The Apple-The blog for the rest of us.

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Steve Jobs emails a consumer

This has to be shared. He talks about the iPad and iWork sharing. iWork documents can be shared over MobileMe/


How to love the iPad

Visit these link. Please read the whole articles and watch the videos all the way through. You won't regret it.

Can you still say that the iPad is useless?