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Entries in Future (9)


Is Apple the company who gets to decide the future of wearable computing?

'Wearable computing'. These buzzwords seem to be popping up all over the place these days. From a consumer standpoint - the general adoption of technology moves in stages. First there was the personal computer, then the 'dot com' revolution, then the iPod, then the smartphone and most recently the rise of tablets. From a forward-thinking standpoint right now, the next 'phase' of consumer technology is set to be far closer to us than ever before.

Think back for a moment. Computers used to fill rooms - but then they shrunk. What is the definition of a computer? Some would say a computer sits on your desk and runs an operating system like Windows or OS X. Others would say it's a device which 'computes' things - so while it could be a desktop or laptop computer like we generally think of them, it could also be something as mundane as a calculator or egg timer. That aside, looking at the transition from room-filling scientific 'super-computers' to bag-able, desktop personal computers we can get an insight into how the mobile technology we use today will evolve. 

Mobile technology has and is continuing to evolve. What started with redicolous-looking brick-like communication devices turned into sleek, sexy and character-defining 'all-round' devices. The mobile device someone uses defines their personality. Using an early 2000s flip-phone? You are more likely to be less technically savvy. Up until recently if you used an Android phone you'd be considered a geek. iPhones were for normal people and Androids were for the geeky tech-people who wanted the options and customisation that Android brought to the table. Now? Not so much.

This is because Apple got there first. Apple came in 2007 with the iPhone - the first consumer friendly smartphone. People flocked to it and the rest is history. This helped Apple in their effort to be at the start of almost every new consumer technological 'stage.' Think about it, the iPod was so successful it is pretty much a household, generic name for 'MP3 player.' iPad is the default tablet a normal person would jump to. Same goes for the iPhone. So what does it take for another company to destroy the image of 'this is neat, but it won't be anything when Apple gets into this market' that we see so much when regarding products such as the Pebble smartwatch.

There's no denying that Android is pretty much on-par with iOS in the user-friendliness field these days. Kit Kat isn't annoying or confusing to consumers - much like iOS. Does this new equallity (or lead) mean that Google now has the power to start a technological revolution. Can Google take what Apple despretly wants and needs and be the company who kickstarts and continues to lead the wearable revolution? The only people who can decide this are the consumers. It's an interesting point - how much does brand identity matter? If a consumer doesn't care that the Google logo is on the backface of their new 'smart' watch instead of the shiny Apple logo then perhaps they may just beat Apple in this new industry. But we don't know. We'll have to wait and see.


3 Things I Expect to See in the iPad 3! (UPDATE - WILL NOT BE RELEASED AT iWorld)

As we all know, Apple's iPad 3 is expected to be announced sometime early next year. Some sources say that it will be announced at iWorld, which is scheduled from the 26th to the 28th of January 2012. In this article, I am going to give my personal opinion on what I'd like to see from the new iPad. 


Better Cameras

I am sure that you will agree that both the front and rear facing camera's on the iPad 2 are not of the best quality, and with no flash, they are a big letdown. The cameras on the iPad 2 are both less than a megapixel each. I would like to see at least a 5-megapixel camera with flash on the rear and a 3-megapixel on the the front of the iPad 3.


Retina Display 

 Many believed that the iPad 2 would be getting the patented best-in-class Retina Display. But sadly, that wasn't to be. Personally, I think if Apple doesn't upgrade the display on the iPad 3 from 1024x768 PPI (Pixels Per Inch) to a 2048x1536 Retina Display, then there is a strong potential that some iPad users might switch to the Andriod platform.


Siri Intergration

With Apple's voice assistant Siri being a key feature on the iPhone 4S, then this is a must for the iPad 3. I am sure that Siri would be one of it's main features for the iPad 3, as well. It will be another great way to work your way around the iPad, by speaking to it! I would love to see Siri on the iPad 3.

What would you think we will see from the iPad 3? Comment below.



I'm Back

Hello, my fellow friends.

My name is Kieran Greene. I have just recently come back to the YouTube community after a dry spell of being away. In the video above I hope that I can clearly explain my goals, plans and hopes for my new YouTube Channel.

I have been been online since 2008 when I first got my MacBook Pro. I have previous experience on my old YouTube Channel when it came to making videos and editing. What I hope to do now is combine all those skills and qualities I have gained and to make this professional Channel. I won't go into detail here, but if you wish to find out more please do watch the SHORT video above.

If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to leave a comment below or message me on Twitter.

Thank You,

Kieran Greene


The iPad has Changed the World

If you are old enough to remember the Mac in 1984, you remeber how revolutionary the GUI was. Although Xerox invented it, Apple took it to the next level; pioneering a new era in computing. Whether or not you prefer Mac over PC, or even if you hate the Mac, you have to admit it simplified computing for all. And as Apple continues to simplify the computer for the average user, the hard core PC user says that Macs are for "fags" and "retards."

Apple is simplifying the computer, as they did in 1984. I ask you Mac haters; if simifying the computer makes Macs "faggy," then do you consider the GUI that simplified the computer, and replaced command line, "faggy" as well?

Well, Apple took a big leap. Today, the iPad was released to the world. It may seem like a big iPhone, but it's a stepping stone to the future of computing. The iPad will simplify computing, and make it more powerful. It is to the Mac what the Mac was to the Apple][.

It will change things. Because as the iPad becomes more like a computer, and gains more features, becoming simpler in the process, it'll csnibalize your need for a computer. Unless you write programs, and professionally edit video, you may get rid of your computer all together. But eventually, movie editing may come to an iPad-like device. You'd be able to directly handle your video clips. And programming of the future may become totally object oriented, and come to an iPad-like device as well. Slowly but surely, the computer as we know it will disappear... as command line did.

Because being able to just reach out and touch your work... to be able to interact with it that intimately is the true innovation of the iPad.

Before you know it, we'll be writing apps and editing movies on an iPad like device.

In 1984, it was "Welcome to Macintosh."

In 2010,

I welcome you to iPad. Mr. Jobs, you have successfully put a ding into the universe.

Read more posts like this at Bite From The Apple-The blog for the rest of us.

My Twitter


Apple's Laser Focus

When Apple sees the potential for a new technology, they don't take incremental steps to reach it. They hold off on all technology that will be released between now and then, and make the jump immediately. In fact, sometimes they are so ready for a new piece of technology that they implement it immediately, and it's so far ahead, that nobody has any use for it.

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