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Entries in 7 (4)


Mario Kart 7 3DS Review

Fans and supporters of the Nintenod 3DS haven't really had much to brag about until lately. Nintendo has just started releasing some very key titles for the 3DS that give 3DS owners high hopes for the future of 3 Dimensional gaming without glasses! Mario Kart fans will be happy to know that the fundimental elements that make it such a great franchise are still in tact, better yet they have been improved upon. The sound is something that I really noticed when playing this game, 3D Sound has literally been incorperated into the gameplay. At the beginning of a race you may even find yourself looking around the room for a hidden speaker when your character make a sound. The sound aspect is something you can only experience in person, just like the 3D. 

On top of it being a Nintendo regular, they have made some unique and welcomed additions to the overall gameplay. You now have some really cool customization options for your vehicle and are able to win upgrades by simply playing the game and beating your opponents in races. The tracks themselves have also had major improvements! While you are sure to notice some of the old tracks from previous generations of the game, you will no doubt love the new ones even more! The elements of driving under water and parasailing through the sky are common in most of the courses and not only do they seem natural now that we have them, but they are easy to drive in and don't cause any controll issues. Overall this game is a must have for 3DS owners, it not only shows off what the 3DS is capible of, but it is also full of hours and hours of fun gameplay.


iPhone 5 Release on September 7th?

The newest rumor regarding the iPhone 5 is it's September 7th release date. It seems pretty plausible, considering Apple releases iPods around that time and iOS 5 is due out this fall. What do you guys think?



Awesome iTunes 9 Mod (Mac and PC)

I was just browsing through one of my favorite sites, Deviant Art and I found this amazing mod for iTunes 9! It is available for Mac OSX, Tiger and up, as well for Windows, Windows Vista and 7. 

Windows Version -

Mac OSX Version -

Now, the installation is self explanatory, but I have also attached a video doing so and what it looks like. Thanks for reading and watching!

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Chrome OS: Haven’t You Heard of Linux?

After reading dozens, and I mean dozens of articles about Chrome OS and how it is going to be a hit to Microsoft and Apple. When reading the articles, they usually run down the features of the operating system, and the announcements that Google made about it.

Here is an example list from ZDnet.


Note the 12-18 month delivery: they’ve been watching how M$ freezes the market with “strategic” pre-annoucements.


Free, as in open-source. M$ will have to fight for every dollar from netbook makers. Google should be handing out “Chrome OS” coffee cups to every M$ OEM starting with HP and Dell.


Developers: “For application developers, the web is the platform. . . . [it will give] developers the largest user base of any platform.”


“. . . computers need to get better.” More like a big smartphone and less like a server – a clear swipe at M$.


“. . . small netbooks to full-size desktop systems.” Google is generously ceding the server OS market to M$ and Linux – for now.

Hm. Sounds a lot like something we know already huh?

Let’s go back to pricing. Notice that it says that it will be free and open-source. Just about every Linux distro is open source and completely free, all you have to do is download the disk image and burn it to a disk (excluding SUSE).

Let’s take a look at the market as well. Is linux aimed at netbooks as well? Yes. Linux is so lightweight, just as Google says Chrome OS will be, that it needs very little memory and processing power to run and still be fast, sometimes as little as 256MB-512MB of RAM.

I’m surprised Google gave the OS a target. You shouldn’t be “targeting” any certain group, if you are making an operating system, it’s best that you advertise it to be the best for EVERYONE, not a certain group. Bad on Google’s part. Even if they are including developer tools to really make it “special” for developers, it seems very un-google-like to not target the entire user base.

What’s all the hype about?


My Bite Into Apple