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Entries in Cleaning (4)


Clean My Drive: Clean your External Mac Drive

CleanMyDrive is a free mac app that lets you maintain your external drives, thus allowing you to reclaim free space and clean junk from removable HDDs and flash drives. It can be used to manage external drives too..

Another cleaning app we reviewed recently: Disk Diet: Clean up Your Mac's Hard Drive

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Disk Diet: Clean up Your Mac's Hard Drive

We all defragment our hard drives, or at least we should. So why don't we go a step further and improve the amount of space we have available to us? Disk Diet does just that, giving you more free space then ever before with just a single click.

How It Works

You hit the button to start the search, and it begins to gather all instances of redundant or unnecessary information on your Mac. Unused language translations and legacy code from applications, old logs, temporary files, caches, lingering files in your downloads folder, your trash and many others are all covered under the search.

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Memory Clean: Free Mac Application Review

Memory Clean Review

I play a lot of games on my Mac, and I think it is the best laptop I have ever had for doing so. The graphics are great, the gameplay is smooth, the controls are is just a great platform for shooters in particular. The only complaint I have is after the gameplay, or after watching movies for that matter.

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The Best Way To Clean Your Glasses

More often than not, those of us who love technology and everything about it have glasses that we have to wear in order to see properly. Personally, I am nearsighted and have to wear glasses for that. The one thing that I hate about glasses though would have to be cleaning them. For years I simply took a microfiber cloth or my shirt and wiped them off when they got dusty or dirty, but I was always unhappy with the smudges and unclear film left on the lenses. Finally, I found a way that works great, doesn't even require you to use a cloth. Follow the steps in my video to clean your glasses and get a clear result without spots, specks, or smears. If it is your first time doing it, you may have to repeat the process 2-3 times to get good results, after that once should do the trick whenever they get dirty.