We all defragment our hard drives, or at least we should. So why don't we go a step further and improve the amount of space we have available to us? Disk Diet does just that, giving you more free space then ever before with just a single click.
How It Works
You hit the button to start the search, and it begins to gather all instances of redundant or unnecessary information on your Mac. Unused language translations and legacy code from applications, old logs, temporary files, caches, lingering files in your downloads folder, your trash and many others are all covered under the search.
On a regular basis, viewers tend to ask me how I edit my videos to be so colorful. Well, it's no secret that I use Final Cut Pro X as my main video editor. My secret weapon, however, is a plugin called Magic Bullets Mojo. Watch for examples of color correction and how I use this color correction software to my advantage!
Red Giant is most well known for their full version of Magic Bullets that often plugins into major applications like Adobe Premiere or Adobe After Effects. Magic Bullets Mojo is a dialed down version of the application, giving you addition Final Cut Pro X Effects to add more in depth color grading to your video. While there isn't much wiggle room beyond the effects, you can adjust each color correction to your liking using a variety of sliders. At the price point of $49.99, I think this plugin is a must for any amateur/intermediate YouTuber, videographer or filmmaker using the latest version of Apple's Final Cut software!
Any questions are welcomed in the comments below. Thank you for watching/commenting/rating/subscribing! You guys rock!
Red Giant Software also make Trapcode Soundkeys; which is a great plug-in for working with audio and adjusting levels in your compositions. There is a great lesson on CreativeCow.net on how to work with Trapcode Soundkeys by Aharon Rabinowitz.
Finally, after 1 Year of waiting, we now know the iPad 3 announcement date, which is March 7th. In this video, I go over some details and what I would like to see on the iPad 3. I am so freaking excited!
In this video, I let you see what I have in my dock and the applications that I use day-to-day. This includes Photoshop, iMovie, iTunes and Pages, plus and a whole lot more. Enjoy!
I am very happy to announce that I have made my first ever eBook available for you to Download. It is called "How to Start off on YouTube." This PDF eBook is 100% Free of Charge. I would love to hear your feedback on my new eBook.