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Entries in Kindle Fire (7)


Amazon Fire TV

 On April 2nd 2014 Amazon released the Amazon Fire TV, a video streaming device that not only streams your favorite services like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, and Amazon prime Instant Video (just to name a few) straight to your TV, but will be a gaming console in the mix as well. This device was released in hopes of taking on the Apple TV, Google’s Chromecast, and the Roku, which although this is a wide market because  there are many other video streaming devices much like the Western Digital Video Streamer. But does the Amazon Fire TV have the potential to take on the top competitors?

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New Kindle Fire, iPad Mini & Sept 12th Event

It's no secret that I've been a fan of 7" tablets for quite some time. With the introduction of the Kindle Fire 2 & Kindle Fire HD yesterday, I think it is time for Apple to accept the competition and release an iPad Mini. Will this happen on Sept. 12th?

What are your thoughts on this subject? I think that with the Nexus 7, especially, Apple has some serious competition at nearly $300 cheaper. An inexpensive, shrunken iPad would do extremely well. Countless customers at Best Buy come to me saying they want an iPad but they don't want to pay $499 for a larger screen. An ultraportable tablet is just what Apple needs!

Thanks for watching/subscribing/rating/commenting! You guys just ROCK!

Unboxing: Google Nexus 7 - Android Jelly Bean Tablet

Being almost a month late, I must apologize for the delay in this video. Hopefully you enjoy this short and sweet unboxing of the beautiful 7" Android tablet by Google, the Nexus 7. Even an Apple fanatic can admit Jelly Bean is amazing. Expect many future videos about this device. I simply wanted to get this unboxing out of the way first!

Any specific questions or video requests regarding the Google Nexus 7 are welcome! Feel free to leave them in the comments below. Thank you for commenting, rating and subscribing! You guys rock!


Snugg Amazon Kindle Fire Black Leather Case Cover and Flip Stand

When looking for a case for your brand new Amazon Kindle Fire, the market may not seem that great. In fact, it isn't! I hate to admit it, but the market for cases for the Amazon Kindle Fire is full of cheap knockoffs and products that won't last you over a few months at the best. One case however, is making it's presence known in the world of cases for the Amazon Kindle Fire. That case is the Snugg Black Leather Case Cover and Flip Stand for the Kindle Fire. Check out the full review and first look in my video review.


Free eBook: How to Start off on YouTube

 I am very happy to announce that I have made my first ever eBook available for you to Download. It is called "How to Start off on YouTube." This PDF eBook is 100% Free of Charge. I would love to hear your feedback on my new eBook. 

Click here to download my free eBook. 

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