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Entries in consoles (2)


Could Sega be getting ready to release a video game console?

Could Sega be getting ready to release a next-gen console to compete against the Nintendo Wii U? Let's look at the possibilities.

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The picture above shows Sega's last console, the Dreamcast. It was a flop compared to the Sony PlayStation 2 that was about to come out at the time. While it had a lot of cool features, it wasn't on top because the PlayStation 2 had the at-the-time revolutionary DVD drive. Just 10 years later, the PlayStation 3 uses Blu-rays and DVDs aren't revolutionary at all. Why, isn't that funny?

Sega could/is likely to be getting ready to release something BIG. That will blow away most of the current consoles and be a main competitor to the Wii U to be at the center of your entertainment center. The time is perfect and the market is ripe for a fourth player in the fierce console market.

If Sega did, it would definitly have competition but it would definitely be a BIG SUCCESS in the console and gaming market. The time is perfect and there's a void that they can fill. With one more day, they could possibily announce it this year at E3.

What do you think? Post it in the comments.



Theres always one..

Gaming is one of the biggest things since the 90's, and there is 3 main competitors which are Sony (PS3), Nintendo (Wii) and Microsoft (XBOX). One thing this blog post isn't going to do is make an argument between gamers, as many gamers own all of the 3 above consoles.

On the market right now, Sony and Nintendo have more consoles on the market, for Sony the PS3 and PSP and for Nintendo the Wii and DSi, but what about Microsoft. Microsoft already have their vintage XBOX console, but what a handheld from Microsoft? Well, you could say that one of their 'netbooks' are one of their takes on the handheld console, but please, you can't game on the netbook. Maybe a laptop, but its about 3-4 times bigger than Sony and Nintendo handhelds. So, c'mon Microsoft, where is your handheld? Is it still being featured on Engadget as 'coming soon' or many Youtube videos being made about it, and what it'll look like, what it'll do etc.

Instead of making new Windows operating systems, get a XBOX handheld console out on the market. But, don't come up with the excuse of "Well, Sony has a powerful console (PS3) and a nice unique handheld (PSP)" If Sony and Nintendo can enter the market like that, you can Microsoft!

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