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Entries in PS3 (10)


Seriously Get Fit With EA Sports Active 2

The perfect combination of technology and fitness would without a doubt have to be EA Sports Active 2. It is availiable on most all platforms, and everything you need to get started comes in the box. Most people worry that they need a Playstation Move or other moation device for their gaming console in order to play games that involve moation and any type of body recgonition, this is a worry put to rest with EA Sports Active 2. The game was literally designed to be playable to just about everyone, and offer a fun and simple way to get fit.


Why "Call of Duty" is Dying Out

The excitement behind the "Call of Duty's" latest line in the hit series was unbelievable, just like every new launch the promise of a new lease of life in the series is always so highly promised, however such a rarity.
It seemed more evident then ever that in these past few months that the Call of duty gamer is becoming more and more board and starting to leave this once so dominant game. But what is causing the downfall in this series and what can be done?

Quite simply the business is so big that they are scared to fail, gone are the days where it could afford to try out a new class system or even a totally different type of game play; instead it stays very safe by rolling out the same game as previous one just with different maps or less glitchy game play. For the past 2/3 updates to the series we have seen no evidence of new exiting updates to revolutionise the game play and totally shack up what the level first person shooters have to compete with. But what can the user do to send out a message to the call of duty series, well don't buy it!

At this time many view the call of duty series at its weakest and there is no other game looking to take it of the top spot then the latest instalment of the battlefield series. The new game coming in Autumn 2011 is set to take down the call of duty franchise with even the CEO of EA implying that they are aiming to take down the big boy at the top of FPS line.

What ever your opinion one thing is for sure, change is good, and we should do everything we can to demand change from gaming companies.


VGA 2010 Announcements

For those of you who missed last night's Video Game Awards on Spike TV, here are some of the big announcements:

Mass Effect 3


Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception



Batman: Arkham City


Resistance 3


Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 


Portal 2


Prototype 2


Forza Motorsport 4


These weren't the only announcements of the night. However they were some of the most popular. For all the announcements and trailers/teasers, check out


Review: Heavy Rain

Blowing ammo dumps to pieces. Stealing cars. Hacking monsters to death. Destroying cities. Infiltrating prisons. Jumping from planet to planet.

Diapering a baby. Take a shower. Frolicing with the kids in the garden. Kissing. Rehashing a piece of pizza. Swinging. Making up.

Between those two listing exists a big difference: the first enumerations we undergo day by day in our virtual world. At the console we like to fight wars against aliens and other creatures or simulate a superhero. The second listing describes actions in real life. We do them before work, at stores, at home or at some friends houses. They aren't much entertaing, but need to be done. When suddenly a game tries to embed some of those ordinary actions to the gameplay, it arouses attention - precisely because actually there is no space in a game for the normal or ordinary things of life. But it works fine in 'Heavy Rain', one of the most anticipated games of 2010. Especially while playing the first hours in Heavy Rain you do a lot of those action mentioned above. As such a huge number of different actions yearns for a simple and constant controlling scheme, Quantic Dream uses context-sensitive configuration: sometimes you use the X-button to smash a door, another time you climb a slippery hillside or you avoid an uppercut by hitting the same button. Heavy Rain neatly adapts the requirements to your prestidigitation - every now and then you have to use 3 buttons at once for some seconds, tend the gamepad or shake it like hell.

Apart from the interaction the main attention lies on the decision making. Therefore you have to choose between answers and decisions that are given via a certain button. According to the answer you choose, the game process develops into different directions and the game‘s ending is also affected. As a result the replayability is very high. A different decision gives not only another ending, but maybe a chapter will be some minutes longer or you play a quite different scene.

The story is thrilling, dramatic and action-packed. Though it is the story that makes the game valuable, I will try not go too much in depth. In a small and sedate town little boys at the age of 8-12 years disappear again and again and appear again after 4 or 5 days. Dead. Drowned in rainwater. The only thing that the killer left at the crime scene is an Origami figure in the victim‘s hand as well as an orchid on it‘s chest. The police doesn‘t have any hints and is so to say clueless.

In the whole game you play 4 charcters. The first you get to know is Ethan Mars. He is an architect, who is married and has two boys, Jason and Shaun. They lived a happy life till Jason was killed in an accident. Ethan, who tried to save his son, suffered a heavy head injury and was in coma for 6 months. 2 years later Ethan is bothered by blackouts and feelings of guilt, his wife divorced him and as if that was not enough his second son Shaun is kidnapped by the Origami-Killer while he was in Ethan‘s charge. It is the 8th kidnapping and from that experience it is obvious that there are only 4-5 days left to save Shaun.

In the search of Shaun you play 3 more characters. One of them is the former police officer and current detective Scott Shelby, who made inquiries in the last 7 kidnappings. Another arm of the law is FBI Agent Norman Jayden. Equipped with high tech glasses, he analyses a crime scene lightning-fast and has his office allways with him. Now, the only thing or better to say charcter that is missing is a woman - the journalist Madison Page. An attractive and smart woman, that doesn‘t back off from using her charms to get what she wants.

During the game you switch between those four and experience the story from different angles. At this point I don‘t want to tell more not to spoil anything.

The characters are very well done. Everyone has it‘s own background, strengths and weaknesses. It makes you sympathize with them. Also the detailed mimic and gestures support that feeling. It‘s the same with the atmosphere. The steady downpour, the shady town and the brilliant soundtrack create an incredible mood. Heavy Rain is pure emotion.

Heavy is definitly a masterpiece and a must-have for PS3 owners. It is not entirely perfect, I grant. The controls are a bit odd and the whole game is very short, ypu can beat it in one day. But on the other hand it has a very high replayability, because of the different endings and scene that you can play by making different decisions. The graphics look fantastic. The story is thrilling, dramtic and action-packed. There are a lot suprise turnarounds, everytime you think you know the killer, the next scene teaches you better.

Heavy Rain is something different and pure emotion. Get it!


Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Review

I'm sure that most of you have played the game Modern Warfare 2 in some way at one time. I'm sure you had a fun time, but you were most likely on the multiplayer. This is a huge game with probably one of the best multiplayers around. That does not mean that it is a perfect multiplayer, nor does it mean that it is always fun.

Not to be mean, but Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer is like a kid with acne. You know that he is nice and cool, but you can tell that it has some problems. The multiplayer is this kid with oxy pads trying to wipe away the acne that comes back. It is like using patches to fix problems, but new ones will always arise. I do love this multiplayer, but some time I feel like a nerd getting beat up by a big bully. It hurts, and it makes you mad.

First, the spawning system is not terrible, but it does have a lot of issues. With the complex engine on Modern Warfare 2, it is hard to create a spawn system on these maps. I give them a decent grade because most other spawn designers would do a worse job. This is partially due to the maps limiting spawn points with structures and natural obstructions. It is not that big of a deal, and you will get over it. You might be able to deal with it if you are not a half bad player.

The next issue is camping. This is a scapegoat if you are doing bad, but some of the time, it is an actual problem. "The campers can be anywhere and everywhere." is a quote by the YouTuber Chromebandit. He doesn't have a problem with it, and these people choose to sit in a corner and not have fun. My point is, play how you want to play because it is just a video game. Sometimes, you can't avoid camping with Demolition. There is one bomb site left, and where else could the other team go?

These are just two of some of the major problems, but another highly disputed ones is the killstreaks. They are said as being overpowered, but I personally believe they are not a big deal. The stinger is an easy kill for almost any killstreaks, and with coordination, you can take down ac AC-130 in about 20 seconds. That is all I have to say on this because this is really dependent of you and your team.

Another issue is the overpowering of weapons, but this again goes back to that it is your choice how to play, and you can't force them to change. Unless, they are completely ruining the game, then you can have fun. If they are, just leave and go into another lobby, or have fun with your friends in a private match.

I just wanted to discuss the issues, but this game is fun overall, and I totally love it. It really didn't matter to me if it won GOTY, but it wasn't really my choice. This game is great for having fun with your friends or rocking it in a lobby full of randoms. It was built great for having fun, and I hope that you guys have a fun time with it.

I would have to give this game 9 out of 10 stars because it is an overall good game and Infinity Ward is working to get it fixed.
