Goldeneye Source Review
Do you remember the good old days of the Nintendo 64? It was a classic 64-bit system that seemed to be revolutionary in the gaming market not just for its library of games but the new concept of 3D Graphics. However, there is one game I remember the most on the Nintendo 64, and that was 007 Goldeneye. This was one of my favorite first person shooters of that time next to doom. It was a breath of fresh air with a whole new concept for the genre, but what I remember the most about it was the constant hours of fun with the multiplayer mode that me and my brother had. Although we had a lot of fun with the classic version of the game, one problem I soon found out is that the graphics and the controls didn’t age well. But that is okay, because a couple years ago I was told about a half-life 2 mod that actually was a HD remake of the Goldeneye game, and that’s what we will be looking into today. So this video is for those who have a copy of half-life 2 but don’t know what to do with it after beating it.