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Entries in lesson (8)


Programming with Python- def tags

Today we are going to be covering one of my favorite tags in python, the def tag. The best way to think of this tag is being able to give a single word a defined function. Unlike giving a variable a meaning, defining a word as a function gives you the option of giving two set variables equations. This may seem confusing at first, but let’s look at the code and see if I can explain it better.

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Photoshop Tutorial: Animating

Now it has been a while since I last did a tutorial video for Photoshop, and today I come back with something a bit more useful when it comes to making an animated logo. In the video I demonstrate how to animate using a sprite sheet, but the concept is quite simple to understand altogether. All you have to do is animate frame-by-frame, or in this case layer by layer. There isn’t a whole lot I can really show you through this article that I did in the video. But I will try my best to recapture this moment for you in text form for those who don’t like watching an eight minute video. So without further distractions, let’s get started.

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Programming with Python: Functions and Variables 

The title may make this lesson look like a scary mesh of gibberish to some of you. Not literally the title, but the general idea of what we are going to being working on today. But don’t worry; this isn’t a hard concept to get at all. So let’s get started on this lesson of programing with python. Firstly, we have to set up words to define. These words can be defined with both numbers and letters. What I mean by this is, we can have the word “Tom” equal “100” or for every time we have the function “print: Tom” we can have it print out the phrase “Is cool!” Sounds fun right? So, how do we achieve this? To put it quite simply, just as easy as I made it sound out to be. Look at the image below to get the idea of what the code will look like. 

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Photoshop Layers

Today we are going to be looking at some of the cool things you can do with layers and smart objects. I will cover stacking order as well as explain what smart objects are and how to use them to your benefit. I would like to mention that this should be considered a theoretical lesson, meaning I am giving the information but you should use it to your own liking and experience something new in your own way. Next week we will cover slicing and how it is used for web design. Thank you for watching and taking an interest in learning Adobe Photoshop. 


Photoshop: Coloring Techniques

In today's In today's video we are going to be looking at some methods in coloring your pictures that you have drawn or outlined. These methods are possible ways your could color your artwork, but in another way a theory for you to observe and look at. You can try other methods with this possible technique as well. I hope you find this video useful in someway, and thanks for watching.