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Entries in programming (13)


Programming with Python: Strings and Functions cont

In today’s video, we are going to be going over strings and variable again, just to make sure that you have the general idea down. I would like to remind those who watch these videos to type as I type and not to copy and paste everything in the videos. I am not a professional, but I find it easy to learn with a more hands on experience rather than a you see what you get. I would also like to remind you that if you have any further interest in learning python ahead of the videos, then please go check this great online book so that you can read ahead. That book again, is called Learning python the hard way: Thanks for watching this series, and I hope you found it helpful in some kind of way.  


Programming with Python: Functions and Variables 

The title may make this lesson look like a scary mesh of gibberish to some of you. Not literally the title, but the general idea of what we are going to being working on today. But don’t worry; this isn’t a hard concept to get at all. So let’s get started on this lesson of programing with python. Firstly, we have to set up words to define. These words can be defined with both numbers and letters. What I mean by this is, we can have the word “Tom” equal “100” or for every time we have the function “print: Tom” we can have it print out the phrase “Is cool!” Sounds fun right? So, how do we achieve this? To put it quite simply, just as easy as I made it sound out to be. Look at the image below to get the idea of what the code will look like. 

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Programming with Python: Print, Comment

Hello guys, today I am going to try my best to teach you some methods in programming. I am not a professional at this, but a guy who is learning it himself, but I figured by teaching others it would benefit them in some way while being able to me to get a review going on. So how are we going to do this? First, let me tell you what you will need. You’re going to need a text editor. No no, I don’t mean textedit or notepad. Here, you will need these.


Now we are going to need the actual programing software itself. This will allow us to work with the python interface while being able to edit the code in the long run. Since we are starting with python, I suggest you download Python 2.7.5, as we will be working with that in this series.

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Don't Be Awkward, Use AWK!

After providing a tutorial on grep and a brief peek into sed, we move on to another great Linux command-line utility, but one rarely used by beginners. Perhaps because it's really a full-blown programming language, which must bring images of impenetrable complexity to the minds of some?

Hopefully, this article will show you that AWK is not to be feared, but loved. It is extraordinarily useful, after all.

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Linux Essentials: Sed (Stream Editor)

Linux terminalIt's sometimes said that find, sed and awk are all you need when it comes to Linux command-line utilities. The last two are Turing complete, just like any other programming language. Having already covered grep, we move on to its stream-wrangling cousin, sed. Its purpose is filtering and transforming streams of text, which is a very loose and general concept in Linux. However, some of its functionality might not be all that obvious without reading the entire manual, but that's where this article jumps into the picture. Fire up your terminal and type along.

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