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Entries in video (61)


iPhone, iPad, iWant

While I am certainly not the first to post a 'my thoughts' video on, I figured one more couldn't hurt. My quick thoughts on the device are as follows: It has the potential to be great. Let me know what you think in the comments.


Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Review

I'm sure that most of you have played the game Modern Warfare 2 in some way at one time. I'm sure you had a fun time, but you were most likely on the multiplayer. This is a huge game with probably one of the best multiplayers around. That does not mean that it is a perfect multiplayer, nor does it mean that it is always fun.

Not to be mean, but Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer is like a kid with acne. You know that he is nice and cool, but you can tell that it has some problems. The multiplayer is this kid with oxy pads trying to wipe away the acne that comes back. It is like using patches to fix problems, but new ones will always arise. I do love this multiplayer, but some time I feel like a nerd getting beat up by a big bully. It hurts, and it makes you mad.

First, the spawning system is not terrible, but it does have a lot of issues. With the complex engine on Modern Warfare 2, it is hard to create a spawn system on these maps. I give them a decent grade because most other spawn designers would do a worse job. This is partially due to the maps limiting spawn points with structures and natural obstructions. It is not that big of a deal, and you will get over it. You might be able to deal with it if you are not a half bad player.

The next issue is camping. This is a scapegoat if you are doing bad, but some of the time, it is an actual problem. "The campers can be anywhere and everywhere." is a quote by the YouTuber Chromebandit. He doesn't have a problem with it, and these people choose to sit in a corner and not have fun. My point is, play how you want to play because it is just a video game. Sometimes, you can't avoid camping with Demolition. There is one bomb site left, and where else could the other team go?

These are just two of some of the major problems, but another highly disputed ones is the killstreaks. They are said as being overpowered, but I personally believe they are not a big deal. The stinger is an easy kill for almost any killstreaks, and with coordination, you can take down ac AC-130 in about 20 seconds. That is all I have to say on this because this is really dependent of you and your team.

Another issue is the overpowering of weapons, but this again goes back to that it is your choice how to play, and you can't force them to change. Unless, they are completely ruining the game, then you can have fun. If they are, just leave and go into another lobby, or have fun with your friends in a private match.

I just wanted to discuss the issues, but this game is fun overall, and I totally love it. It really didn't matter to me if it won GOTY, but it wasn't really my choice. This game is great for having fun with your friends or rocking it in a lobby full of randoms. It was built great for having fun, and I hope that you guys have a fun time with it.

I would have to give this game 9 out of 10 stars because it is an overall good game and Infinity Ward is working to get it fixed.



Holiday Wants & Wishes 

For the past two years, I have put together a holiday collaboration video on youtube, and I have asked as many people to participate as possible. This year is no different. I'm very pleased with the way the video turned out. I'd like to thank everyone who was involved! (which include several other writers for the social blog.)

I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas!


YouTube Holiday Collaboration Project

Hey everyone!

Today's blog post is going to be a bit different from the things I usually post. That being said, I'm going to get right into it: You may or may not know that I am a fairly active youtuber. My youtube username is KWA22122. 

Anyway, I have decided that I'd like to do an open holiday collaboration video. 
The general concept of the video so far is as follows:

A global "wishlist"

Each person will have  4 short clips each. 2 things that they want (that they can actually purchase) 1 outrageous thing that is not possible (like: a pool full of chocolate, a unicorn) something silly. and then a sentimental wish (world peace, happiness for all) and then I'd take them, and edit them all and mix and match throughout the video. 

I've tried to come up with an idea that could be fun but not too difficult for everyone to do. The more people we have, the better so If you are interested in being a part of the project; Send me a PM on youtube (Link to my channel) Be sure to include your name, and an email address. I will be emailing everyone involved within a few days with further instructions.

I hope to see some of you on the video! =)


Blu-ray: Just a Novelty? 

High definition; By now, almost everyone knows what it is. Over the years… the number of HD channels greatly increased and the price of HDTV's are much lower than they once were, making high definition content more widely available to the majority of people. And, if you have ever compared an HD quality picture to a standard definition picture… you know just how vastly improved the HD picture is. Personally, I could never go back to a standard def. picture. But, as I was watching TV last night, my brain started to wander and I asked myself: "Why hasn't Blu Ray taken off?" As I thought about that I came up with a few possible answers.

The first thing that came to my mind was the fact that Blu Ray was in a long, drawn out format war with HD-DVD. I think it possible that the average consumer has lost interest in the whole concept of HD movie discs.  But if I had to guess… I'd say it had more to do with the price of the Blu Ray discs and peripherals. 

At this point, Blu Ray discs are $60 and the Blu Ray players average $200. When you pair that with the idea of having to buy or re-buy DVD's to take advantage of the player… I think it is very possible that the investment in Blu Ray is just too high for the mainstream. To be fair, though, Blu Ray itself is a relatively new technology and all new technology has a price premium. It is possible that the price may drop given some time.

I think it is possible that one, or both of these things may be playing a factor in the slow adoption of Blu Ray. But I believe there may be a bigger reason why Blu Ray has not taken off. The reason? Streaming media.

You may be thinking to yourself, "What does streaming media have to do with Blu Ray?" Well, in my opinion, streaming video is quickly becoming a new, acceptable way to consume movies. With devices such as the Apple TV and many other set top boxes, it is easier than ever to get HD quality content on your TV instantly. While the initial investment in one of these boxes may be equal to, and maybe even slightly higher than most Blu Ray players, the cost of the media is often significantly lower. 

All of these factors lead me to the question: Is Blu Ray over before it ever really got started?

What do you think?