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Entries in Apple (371)


iMac or MacBook Pro?

Many Apple consumers, including me, when they decide to purchase a Mac computer, they can't decide between the iMac and the MacBook Pro. Speaking more generally, this topic is about "Desktop Vs Laptop". Which one is the best for you? Read the article to find out.

First of all let's see who should buy the iMac. If you are a professional graphic designer or video editor (and even if you aren't professional, but it's your job or something else in a high level), the iMac's beautiful huge screen with the amazing resolution, will be perfect for you. If you want to use your computer like a TV, for watching Netflix, or as an external monitor for your gaming console, or for gaming on your Mac again the iMac is your gadget. And finally, if you don't use and need that much your computer while traveling (or even if you don't travel that much), the iMac is your computer.

Now let's take a look who should buy a MacBook. I would suggest the MacBook if you do a lot of traveling and you really need and use your computer. It's a portable and a really powerful computer. If you still do graphic designing and video editing but you do it like a hobby and not as your main job, I think MacBook's display is good enough.

Now it comes another question. What if the user wants portability and a big display for home in the same time? In my opinion, you should buy the 13” MacBook Pro, and for external monitor the fantastic 27", Apple's Thunderbolt Display. If you can't afford buying Apple's Thunderbolt display, you can still find really good 24” monitors (I suggest you Asus) at Amazon for around 250$-500$.

I am currently asking this question to myself too and can't decide. I am in both, the first and the third occasion. Firstly I want to see the new 2012 iMacs and MacBook Pros which will be coming soon, and then, depending on the new features that those two computers will have, this will help me to choose.

I hope this article helped you out to understand in which occasion you are and which Mac is better for you (compared to those two). Thanks so much for reading, if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comment section below or mention me on Twitter @OrestGPap.



Have Tablets Replaced Laptops?

Many people wonder, mostly including the "average customers', is if tablets have replaced laptops. Read the article to find out.

My answer once again is that it depends. It depends on "Why you use your laptop". If you use your computer for heavy graphic designing, heavy video editing with special effects, professional photo editing or even hardcore gaming (video games like Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, Gears of War 3 etc.) the answer is definitely not. Tablet technology is pretty new and not that much sophisticated to just to those standards. If this is your occasion, I surely recommend buying a laptop. If you use your computer just for checking your e-mail, for light photo and video editing, and playing or using applications mainly as "time-killers", or using it as an Internet source while traveling, well a tablet must be your first choice. Tablets are smaller, thinner, and lighter, with beautiful displays up to 10", high quality cameras, 4G LTE support, and of course, they are way cheaper. Also for most of the tablets in the market, the user can purchase a Bluetooth keyboard which can plug into his/her device, and have a small netbook. That also means that the user can use his/her tablet by using either the touch screen or the keyboard & mouse (or even both, in the same time). If this is your occasion, a tablet is the best solution. Also iOS and Android (especially Android), are really advanced mobile operating systems which in this occasion, can definitely replace a desktop OS. Another advantage is that, all the mobile platforms have application stores, which the user can download, games, editing application and thousands other useful apps for his/her everyday life. Also some tablets have quad-core processors and quad-core graphics which definitely make them as powerful as some really expensive laptops.

The two tablets I suggest you buying in case you belong to the second occasion are:

1.) The New iPad (iOS 5)

2.) Asus Transformer Prime (Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich) 

Both of them have excellent specks, 4G support, quad-core processors and graphics, and ship with the two most advanced mobile platforms in the world.

Tablets, compared to laptops, are new technology, which started back in 2010 with the release of the first generation iPad (the very first tablet made by Apple). In conclusion I believe, that "tablet technology” has a lot more to bring to the user, it will become a lot more advanced the next two years and I think that, by 2016, tablets will replace computers.

Thanks so much for reading; I hope this article helped you out to choose which gadget is better for you. If you have any questions based on this article feel free to leave them in the comment section below.



How to Increase Speed, Battery Life, Hard Drive Space & Enhance iOS

Over time the performance, battery life, and hard drive space on our smartphones and tablets start degrading. In addition, using the same device on a regular basis can begin to seem old and boring. In this video, I show how iOS users can tackle all of these problems by performing some simple tasks on their device.



My Apple 

A short video featuring some of my Apple Products. I hope you all enjoy!

My Two Reasons on Why You Shouldn't Buy the iPhone 4S Now

A question I get a lot is "Orestis, shall I buy the iPhone 4S?."

My answer is, definitely not. Just for the heads up, I am an iPhone 4S user, the first who bought it in Greece back in November, so of course I do have a huge experience with the phone and I can give you my honest thoughts on this question.

First of all there is not  a reason to sign a contract with AT&T, Verizon or Sprint for two years or spend 600$ without a contract, when the sixth generation iPhone is coming the next few months. As everyone knows Apple every two years makes a whole different and groundbreaking iPhone like the iPhone 4 was back in 2010. The "iPhone  6" (that's not the official name) will definitely support 4G LTE (considering the iPad 3 has, which is a tablet), it will have quad-core graphics due to the A5X chip, and a new redesigned quad-core processor (that's sure because all the new high level  smartphones must have a four core chip, this is the new technology. HTC already started this with the HTC One X). Also even better camera(s) (we hope to see an upgrade to the front facing camera also), higher resolution display new design etc. Overall the "iPhone 6" will be much, much better compared to the iPhone 4S. According to this occasion, my advice is just wait a few months to buy this incredible device that is coming soon.

Second occasion is, if you really need a smartphone i would definitely   not suggest the iPhone 4S. There are many Android smartphones, a lot cheaper and with better features. You don't have to "lock yourself", with a two year contract or paying 600$ plus when you can find other smartphones, in the same level and even better for a lot cheaper.

Let me give you some examples of a few great Android phones that you can check out.

1.) Samsung Galaxy Nexus

2.) Samsung Galaxy S 2

3.) Samsung Galaxy Note

4.) HTC One X

5.) Motorola Droid Bionic

And many others. Those Android devices are really good, in many categories better than the iPhone 4S and cheaper.

Of course the Windows fun boys will complain for not refering the Windows Mobile 7 phones. I don't suggest them due to the OS. I don't like it at all. That's of course my opinion and it could be wrong, but I've been using the Nokia Lumia 800 for a month and I didn't like the OS. 

Many people will wonder since I don't suggest the iPhone 4S, why did I buy one? Let me explain you.

First of all I bought the phone in November when it was all brand new. Also I am not suggesting the phone ONLY for that period of time, because the new iPhone is on the way and due to the economic crisis, you can find better and cheaper solutions. I did buy the 4S, because I love everything on it, including of course the OS (I've been using iOS since  2 years, and I am not looking forward into switching to another OS, anytime soon). It is fast, excellent camera, HSDPA + (14.4 Mbps), amazing design and many other benefits.

I think you should take into consideration my answer to this question, due to my experience and that I am always honest (because I am an iOS fan boy, it doesn't  mean I have to hate on Android. Android it's an excellent OS in a very sophisticated level). Thank you for reading, if you have any questions or anything else related to this article, please leave them in the comment section below.


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