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Entries in gaming (31)


Video Games Suck?!

For years video games have been at the bottom of the social heap. They have been frowned upon by everyone; regardless of age, sex and intelligence, nobody seems to have a good word to say about them. Why? Why is there this awful stigma with video games, gamers and the gaming industry as a whole? Do video games need a defence? Do I need to justify myself if I spent 3 hours today playing video games? What if I spent 3 hours watching some films, listening to music or going to the theatre? Do they need a defense too? Let’s try and answer these questions.

Social Standing

As I said, gaming has been at the bottom of the social heap for years. It was a hobby for geeks, nerds and generally people with a poor social life who used video games to escape from their real world problems. Now, this is no longer the case, with the addition of newer titles (e.g., ‘COD‘) gaming has been brought to the masses and has become more acceptable! But I still feel there is a long way to go. Gaming still appears to be quite near the bottom of the social ladder – with activities such as watching television and reading books etc. seemingly rising far above it. This was proved when I posted a short question to Twitter and Facebook. I asked my audience what their opinion would be if they met someone whose favourite pastime (or keen hobby) was gaming. The response made it pretty obvious that people’s views hadn’t really changed. Most people said that they’d consider the person lame and/or nerdy, with some going as far to suggest their other pastimes; stamp collecting and heavy metal music (I think that was slightly farfetched!). I then posted a question with the same situation but instead of gaming being the pastime of choice it was reading, watching films, tv, and theatre. It’s safe to say, the response was quite contrasting. Although, (for the gaming character) I did get a few respondents saying that it depends what his/her other hobbies were. So it’s good to see that some have adjusted to the entertainment of the modern world!

“Video games rot your brain!”

How many times have you heard an older relative or family friend saying that?! They take great pleasure in telling you the true brain melting nature of the latest titles. Let’s elaborate on this sentence. What does it actually mean? They’re clearly insinuating that playing video games will make you a brain-dead zombie (or their equivalent monster of choice). Let’s look into it:


The dictionary definition is “not using or showing intelligence; stupid”. So what would an activity consist of if it were to make you stupid? This is completely down to your judgement. But I’d say this: If an activity does not engage your mind, if it does not challenge you or your decision making skills, then over time and when practiced a lot it is undoubtedly going to make you stupid. Is that fair enough?

So let’s relate this back to gaming. Artificial intelligence (a key feature of video games that will create the illusion of intelligence in computer generated characters and plot) is coming on in leaps and bounds. It’s pushing the boundaries of games; making them more challenging, more realistic, and most importantly more engaging for the player. This level of engagement is achieved across most genres of games, from sports to first person shooters. But nothing boasts such attributes more than puzzle games. Their sole purpose is to challenge the player and exercise their mind! Need I say any more?! So gaming is engaging the player’s mind, requiring constant attention, requiring decisions to be made and in some cases greatly challenging the mind; the result being complete opposite of what the phrase ‘brain-dead’ suggests!

Now, let’s compare gaming to other activities that people do on a daily basis. Think about television: Although there are many shows that can be very educational, the majority of content will be of no benefit to your brain. Your brain isn’t constantly having to make decisions and experience the consequences of those decisions.

Of course, playing video games all day long will not be good for you! But that goes for everything. It’s all about a balanced lifestyle. But I hope you will agree with me when I say this: As shown here, when used in moderation gaming can be a great tool for exercising the mind, especially when you compare it to watching other pastimes.

On a personal note, something I don’t understand is why more people don’t regularly play video games! Think of it like this: Imagine going to see a movie. But instead of the plot having to follow one timeline you could have an almost infinite amount of options, an infinite amount of timelines, every action you make will effect the plot. That’s the beauty of video games! I must admit that not all video games are up to these high standards. But there are a handful that are capable of such amazing feats. Think of gaming as an ‘interactive movie’. Does that make it any better?

Even though all of these negative stereotypes exist I am happy to see the gaming industry is still growing on a daily basis, and after years of work some games are having movie-like premiers and releases.

The stigma of video games still exists (and perhaps always will for some people), but I hope to see this changing in the future as people learn to respect the power of video games, the effect they have had on the modern world, and the years of hard work that has gone into making them.

Thanks for reading, hit up my personal blog if you liked it.


Review: Red Dead Redemption

Wow! That‘s the only word I can say after spending about 20 hours with Red Dead Redemption. What Rockstar achieved with this game is simply amazing. Except for that rather less impressive beginning, the game does the properly. Story, characters, variety, controls, graphics and especially the interactivity are at the highest stage. I even can‘t remember a noteworthy mistake, that again and again appears in the whole game.

Within the theme and genre Rockstar created a masterpiece full of creativity and soul for the stage of the videogaming world. A tribute to our favorite hobby, a model to the whole business competition and a true declaration of love to the wild west. An adventure full of unique moments, tragic turnarounds and a world, that really lives and breathes.

The story begins leisurely, like I said in the first paragraph. Without introducing the main character you are provided some sceneries, confusing conversations and a few of the characters. The team from San Diego doesn‘t go like a bull at a gate and also doesn‘t start the game with a storm of bullets. Slowly, nearly tenderly you are introduce to the story and all particular elements of Red Dead Redemption. The game takes it‘s time and will surprise you even after 10 or 15 hours of playtime.

The first area around the small town Armadillo already has a humongous size. You canter through many square kilometers of steppe, narrow canyons, foggy marshes and a dozen of small settlements. Marvel at gorgeous sunrises above Rio Lobo, get burned by the mexican sun and ride across the wide prairie of in the pouring rain. A world that is staged almost perfectly by the Rage-engine. A real increase in quality in comparison to Grand Theft Auto IV.

Dozens of new effects like cloud shadows, volumetrically light and the strikingly increased details of the characters cater for the yet best open-world-experience. Actually Red Dead Redemption nearly ranges on the same level as Uncharted 2 at some situations and all that with completely streamed levels, extremely wide visual range and a greatly sophisticated physics-system, that brings especially the fights on a higher level. Only if you look closely you will find some suboptimal textures.

However before our main character John Marston finally dashes into that endless, very pretty vast, he gets to know the first impressive character. Bonnie McFarlane. Savior, first contact and a supreme example for the character design in Red Dead Redemption. A woman, that conducts an enormous farm by her own, rides like a greyhound and handles a gun as good as a branding iron.

Instead of searching your former gang members, that you are forced to kill by the governement, you bag some rabbits, drive cows to the field and protect the farm against rowdies. But John doesn‘t take it there very long. His family was taken in custody and kept violently by the predecessors of the FBI - Bureau of Investigations. Only if he gets through with his mission - killing his former gang members - he can enfold his wife and son back in his arms.

In what follows now, you are presented extremly exciting and varied missions. You mug trains, fight with soldiers against rebels or extinguish entire gangs. In doing so the game allways stays down-to-earth and doesn‘t space out in the direction of Grand Theft Auto. Red Dead Redemption is a textbook example of a western, that by its narrative structure reminds of modern classics likeUnforgiven or Open Range. An epic, about 20 hours lasting story, that this time isn‘t related to revenge, but to forgiveness of your own sins and that holds many interesting twists.

Among Bonnie John encounter other real cranky persons.There is an endless coming and going of blinded rebels, drug-addicted scientists, charlatans and crazy treasure hunters. Those are out of touch with reality, so that they will keep you in line, but not too loopy to pull you out of the storyline. A partly terrifying image of the society of a wild time. Because the early 20th century was a cold and tough world. The tecnological progress is unstoppable, but the life is still harsh. The vigilantes often look away when citizens are muged on the street, women screaming for help or a stores are robbed. ‘God helps those who help themselves’ is the name of the game. So John takes the law in his hands and puts his stamp on the world of Red Dead Redemption. Predominantly this happens by gun violence. For that the fighting system from Grand Theft Auto 4 was strongly overworked. At the touch of a button John aims at an enemy and the game pans into the shoulder perspective. The auto-aim system and also the difficulty level are divided into 3 grades. Casual mode will give you the full auto-aim system plus it lets you regenerate faster, normal mode offers you the snap-to-target feature known from games like Call of Duty – Modern Warfare 2, in expert mode you have to aim by yourself.

As in GTA IV there is also a cover system in Red Dead Redemption, that unfortunately hasn’t a sound grasp of contemporary developments. It just takes too long to move from one cover to another.

In contrast to that stand the realistic animations, that are staged perfectly by the Euphoria engine. If a bullet hits one of your enemies, he will realistically fall down from his horse, from a roof or he is plunged into deep.To get rid of the hordes of enemies, simply hit the right button to shift into Dead-Eye-mode. This zapped up slow motion allows you to aim several enemies and/or at least certain body parts, that after the triggering will go down by a blaze of gunfire. Thereby the AI does a good job, tries to bypass you and covers fairly adroit. Don’t expect a tactic-miracle, but for an open world title it’s not that bad.

Since the game is situated in 1910, apart from classical revolvers and shotguns there are also semiautomatic pistols and shotguns. Those (nearly) 20 guns differ in strength, precision, capacity and rate of fire. Every now and then you are allowed to use a gatling gun and defeat dozens of enemies.

Back to John and his mission: driven by fame and honor he treks through the countryside and is permanently confronted by short sidemissions, desperate people and the agressive fauna. You have to decide, whether you will act in a good or bad way - if you want to side with the law or get taken on as a gangster.

Senseless killings on the street will not only increase your wanted-level and bounty on your head, but also decrease your honor level. Anyone who acts honorable, will get more favorable prices at several stores and also will not be betrayed so fast by eyewitnesses. Really bad guys by contrast will receive indezent proposals i form of robbery-missions. With increased fame you automatically enhance your prominence and with it you get more and Moore access to other weapons, items and furthermore missions. At once you are a target to many gunslingers and again and again you have to defend yourself against those.

The story missions themselves rarely offer moral decisions. Rockstar doesn’t want to ruin the beautiful staging of the story by intricate actions. Even if there is a bounty on your head, you will have the chance to get new jobs from the local sheriff. That’s not logical, but in terms of the developers unalienable.

Apart from those great mini-stories Red Dead Redemption gives you more freedom of action than the GTA series does. Especially the interactivity and the effects on the game’s world are definitely more important.

The structure of the missions is wide opened, so that it is possible to accept side mission while your on a story mission. Constantly you are bombarded by those capabilities. No matter if you pass your time with hunting, collect herbs, accept challenges, extinguish gangs or protect poor salesmen, it’s not getting boring even in the deepest desert.

Extremely impressive: the fully operative ecosystem, wolves hunt roe, hawks dart at rabbits and cougars don’t back off from mooses. Corresponding to this there is the challenge ‘Master Hunter’. For every achievable level you have to hunt differentanimals. Sometimes you only have to shoot them, another time you are able to only use your knife. Every stage will give you fame, the skins and bones are salable. Everyone who wants to make more money will use this trading system.

Furthermore you can use your time to search for hidden treasures, collect herbs and try out the sharpshooter challenges. Everything that you hunt, collect or buy will be deposited in an inventory. You can plunder enemies, find new weapons in boxes or get new outfits that will bring some advantages: wearing a smart outfit makes it possible to cheat at cards or wearing a gangster outfit makes it easier to creep into a gang.

Even small items partly have considerable effects. For example with a scarf in your face your wanted-level will increase slower, but you get neither fame nor honor. Miscellaneous tinctures revive your horse, ease your jobs or help you when your fighting. Your energy regenerates after a little while, but using some extra energy while your in a shootout does make sense.

The best feature in my eyes are the horses. Those charming, perfectly animated beings are more than just simple means of transportation. As constant companions you spend many hours on their back, obtain their confidence and improve their stamina. Since you summon your horse with a whistle you only walk short routes. Aside from that there are many different kinds of horses. One horse breed is faster, another one is more persistent and a third one takes more hits. A few breeds are available for purchase, others you have to catch and break in in a Mini-game.

Besides the horses there are also different kinds of carriages with different handling. While you use one-horse carriage to participate in races, carriage and four will be used for transporting goods and stretch you to the limit in wild chases. Like in GTA you can pay a mail coach or use trains to get from one place to another too.

Red Dead Redemption pure and simple is a further development of GTA. Especially the epic story and the compelling mission structure, but also other elements like the combat system or the weird characters intensely remind of Rockstars Liberty City – epos. But still this modern western in all is more improved. The interactivity with the surroundings, the hunt, the collecting of herbs, the hidden treasure hunt or the fancy staged side missions give this game a more vivid touch. The fights seem to be more brutal, the graphics are at least a half generation better than in GTA: IV and the horse as a vehicle is definitely the better choice.



Gaming on the Mac: Assault Cube

As you know, PCs have been very reliable and more used for gaming than Macs, but I have decided to make a series of videos (on YouTube) and posts (on the Social Blog) about many games for the Mac and how they play. I have an Early 2009 iMac 24" 4GB 2.93 GHz machine. Below is a video of one of the many games I will be demoing, Assault Cube. Note that they game seems "laggy" because of my screen recording software, ScreenFlow.


Will Splinter Cell Conviction see the light of day?

As many of you are no doubt aware, along with a few other Ubisoft titles - such as Red Steel 2 - the stealth action game Splinter Cell: Conviction has been pushed back from its fall 2009 release date to sometime in early 2010.

I know for a fact that I'm not the only one disappointed and annoyed by this news. Conviction looked like a fantastic game when it was last shown at E3 2009, with several new mechanics such as the "mark and execute" feture, which allows the player to select certain points of interest in the area to automatically shoot at ( such as a light bulb to confuze the enemies, or even the enemies themselves), along with the "last known position" feature, which shows the player where the enemies last saw them, and thus where they are searching.

I could ramble all day about the new and improved gaming elements, but for more info visit this link:

Of course, this is not the first time the game has been delayed, in fact, Conviction has been pushed back around two years since its original release date. When it was first demoed back in 2007, Splinter Cell: Conviction was a very different game than how it is today. Originally, it involved the protagonist Sam Fisher, as a fugitive on the run from the government. It utilised elements that were very similar to anoher Ubisoft game, Assassins Creed, such as blending into the crowd.

But in May 2008, it was announced that the idea had been scrapped and Conviction had gone back to the drawing board. It was at this point that Conviction evolved into what it is today (or rather, what it will be).

It's been three years since we last saw Sam Fisher, and when Splinter Cell: Conviction finally arrives, I know I'll be quck to purchase it and slam it into my Xbox 360



Theres always one..

Gaming is one of the biggest things since the 90's, and there is 3 main competitors which are Sony (PS3), Nintendo (Wii) and Microsoft (XBOX). One thing this blog post isn't going to do is make an argument between gamers, as many gamers own all of the 3 above consoles.

On the market right now, Sony and Nintendo have more consoles on the market, for Sony the PS3 and PSP and for Nintendo the Wii and DSi, but what about Microsoft. Microsoft already have their vintage XBOX console, but what a handheld from Microsoft? Well, you could say that one of their 'netbooks' are one of their takes on the handheld console, but please, you can't game on the netbook. Maybe a laptop, but its about 3-4 times bigger than Sony and Nintendo handhelds. So, c'mon Microsoft, where is your handheld? Is it still being featured on Engadget as 'coming soon' or many Youtube videos being made about it, and what it'll look like, what it'll do etc.

Instead of making new Windows operating systems, get a XBOX handheld console out on the market. But, don't come up with the excuse of "Well, Sony has a powerful console (PS3) and a nice unique handheld (PSP)" If Sony and Nintendo can enter the market like that, you can Microsoft!

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