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Entries in ipad (115)


How Apple Started a Revolution

Tablets, tablets, and more tablets. They are what everyone is talking about know a days. Everyone is coming out with a tablet of their own. All filled with apps and items destined to make your life better. But why tablets? Why did the world go crazy? Because they where a revolution in the way we socialize and game. And it all started with Apple.

Try to visualize in your mind what the tablet industry would look like today if Apple hadn't came out with the iPad. Sure there would be some tablets here and there but no where as close as many as there are today. the iPad changed the way people compute and the way companies work. It has inspired dozens of companies to come out with their own tablets.

Even though it isn't the best tablet on the market the iPad changed the game.


What's on my iPad v1

The App Store has recently passed the 10 billion download milestone. To me that's a very great achievement. But a few people still might be wondering what are some good apps for my iPad. Well in this video, that's exactly what I will show. The applications in this post are applications I use on my iPad daily. Hopefully you will find a few good applications for your iPad. But, you could also get in on this by leaving recommendations in the comments for applications I should get. Hope you enjoyed my post. 

For exclusive content please check out my YouTube channel: ace4vikings


What I Want To See In iPad 2

Back in January 2010, Apple revealed the iPad. The world seemed to be divided by this ‘marmite’ product. Some saying it would 'revolutionise computing' and others classing it as nothing more than a 'big iPod touch'. Which one is the best description still seems to be majorly undecided. But what’s for sure, no matter on their opinions, everybody was (and still is) talking about the iPad. Apple did a fantastic job of marketing this product. It was essential to get across what it does, why it’s needed and how revolutionary it is. Otherwise people would quickly consider it the latter of the two descriptions.

I know many people who have been lucky enough to receive an iPad this Christmas. But, as all Apple users are guaranteed to experience, get ready for that heart crushing feeling of being outdated. The new iPad is on its way.

In reference to the title of this post: ponies, sunshine, unicorns and a money-printing slot. But, maybe we should be realistic? I use this example to draw your attention to a popular rumour:

“The 2nd generation iPad will have a retina display.”

Everywhere you will look online people are saying that the amazingly high-resolution display, first seen in the iPhone 4, will make its way to the iPad.

So, what is a a retina display? Basically, it’s a display so sharp that you can’t differentiate between the individual pixels. Apple has determined this to be in the ballpark of 300 PPI (Pixels Per Inch). Just to be safe, Apple included a 326PPI screen in the iPhone 4. Now, I don’t have the dimensions of the iPad’s 9.7″ screen on me. But, if it were to have a ‘retina display’, its resolution would be a whopping 2560×1920. Now, don’t worry if you have no idea what this means! Let me explain. I’m sure you’ve all heard of the wonders of ‘high definition’, HD for short. Well, the resolution (number of pixels in each way) of a full HD video, picture or game is 1920×1080. Compare that to the iPad’s would-be retina display (clocked at 2560×1920) and you get the picture (pardon the pun). This would bring about numerous problems for the tiny sub-10″ display (especially regarding rendering of images, videos and games), all of which would accumulate to a HUGELY increased cost. So, in short, I don’t think we’ll be seeing a retina display in the iPad any time soon.

What can we expect to see? Moreover, what do I want to see?

Internal Boost

Sure, the current iPad packs a pretty hefty punch. But, apps like DJay are already maxing out its measly 256 MB of RAM. I’d definitely like to see at least 512 MB to match the iPhone 4. I can’t really see 1 GB being an addition, but we never know! Also, there are some talks of an upgraded processor. Up to a 1.5GHZ model, perhaps (but unlikely) a dual core A4 chip? Although I want to see more processing power, it won’t be a dealbreaker if it’s not included. But, increased RAM is a must-have.


Simple: front facing for video calls, yes. Rear facing for regular photos/videos, not so much. Apple don’t really like to just throw things in the mix for the sake of it. Remember when the conversation of touch-screen Macs came up at their last keynote? (No? Just me?) Well, Steve Jobs simply said, referring to reaching out and touching the screen:

We’ve done tons of user testing on this, and it turns out it doesn’t work. Touch surfaces don’t want to be vertical.

He goes on to say that it’s uncomfortable to use and reiterates how dysfunctional it is. For the same reason, I can’t see a rear camera making an appearance in iPad 2.

Better, Higher-Resolution Screen

“But, Kiran, you said the iPad wouldn’t get one of those ‘retina’ things” (That’s you. No offence).

Retina display, no. But, who’s to say Apple won’t bump it up a bit? It’d be great to see an improved display (although, it’s pretty decent now). I’m not expecting anything too mad, it’d just be nice to see (another pun? Really?).

Something to stop those fingerprints!

I can honestly say, I have never, ever seen an iPad (in person) that’s not covered in fingerprints! Apple could really do themselves a favour by putting an oleophobic coating (first seen on the iPhone 3GS to help prevent fingerprints) on the new model.

More of Apple’s Apps

Right now, Apple ships the iPad with a pretty decent set of apps; but, I want more! I’d love to see an iPhoto, iMovie and maybe even an Xcode version for iPad. I’m sure there are 3rd party alternatives, but, few people can rival Apple’s finesse when it comes to apps (and yet have to in the areas above).

… And that’s that

That brings this blog post to an end. These aren’t ‘predictions’ as such, simply things I’d like to see that have been rumoured. Whatever is announced, I hope we’re not disappointed! If I think of anything else before it’s released, I’ll let y’all know (either by updating this blog post, or, if it warrants it, by writing a new post).

Thanks for reading. If you like my posts, be sure to check out my personal blog.


Apple Device Combinations


MacBook Air 11”/13” | Mac Mini | MacBook Pro 13” | iMac 21”


For the computer, all you need is the smallest model if you’re looking for a basic set up, but I would try to at least get the 13" model of the MacBook Air because the 11" model is not very powerful. Also, most people need a cell phone so why not get an iPhone.


MacBook Air 13” | MacBook Pro 13”/15” | iMac 21”/27”



MacBook Air 13" will most likely work, but if you can afford it, go for the MacBook Pro and iMac. Also, paying more for a larger screen always pays off. Lastly, an iPhone is portable, but does not work well if you are trying to write a paper. That’s why I suggest you also get an iPad.


MacBook Pro 17” | iMac 27” | Mac Pro

MacBook Air 11” | iPad


A top of the line MacBook Pro and iMac will work okay, but if you can afford it, go with a Mac Pro. Also, aMacBook Air 11” is a great second computer, especially if you have an iMac or Mac Pro because they are not portable. If you can’t afford the MacBook Air, then I would get an iPad because it still has a lot of functionality and is portable. Lastly, if you need a phone, get an iPhone.

Leave your favorite Apple device combination in the comments below.



Tour of a Geek's Desk

I've recently noticed a trend on YouTube. People are showing their setups. A few weeks ago I wanted to post a video on my setup. But I decided to wait until after Christmas in hopes that I'd receive gifts that would make my setup better. A few highlights of my setup are; a 13" MacBook Pro, a Dell ST2010 monitor, and an iPad. In no way am I trying to brag about my setup, I'm very fortunate for what I have. 

For exclusive content, please visit my YouTube channel: ace4vikings