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Entries in Snow Leopard (13)


Once You Go Mac, You'll Never Go Back.

Dear Readers,

I Have Recently Switched To Mac.

Hello all. Yes, I am really posting this blog. All of you Windows users are, I'm sure, looking forward to getting your hands on a Windows 7 computer. Well I would rethink that and try to get your hands on a Mac OS X. I am a recent PC switcher. I am now a Mac and trust me, there's no turning back for me. I was tired of being scared of getting viruses all the time and feeling insecure while on the internet, even though I had an antivirus program. Now it's not like that but enough with my opinions, let me back it up.

The Mac Fact.

So, to start off I want to talk to all of you Mac users first. I have a couple of questions for you all.

1. Would you ever go back to Windows?

2. Do you feel safer to surf the web and download content?

3. Is it really that much easier as everyone says it is?

Now those are the basic questions for a Mac user. Now all of you Windows users can answer those about your OS, but, unlike the Mac, I bet you're answers weren't as positive as those of a Mac users. The reason being that Macs are just more convenient to use and much more easier to use. On Windows some things have Macs beat. Come on I'm not a Windows hater because I once owned one, but I'm sure if you current Windows users would actually make the "big move" to Mac, you wouldn't regret it not one bit.


The software in Mac is just so easy to use. Ask any Mac user. The thing I noticed on PC's when I used one was that it came with all this software, but I hardly used most of them. I use all the software on Mac because it just fits me. The software is really great on Macs because it all goes together in some way. If you buy a Mac now you get iLife which comes with iMovie, iPhoto, GarageBand, and iWeb. Many more are included but those are the main ones. Mac is the way to go.

Why Not Mac?

Well you have seen the facts and you have heard most about Mac. I'm sure there are some things I have left out, but the information I have given you sure would make me consider Mac. Trust me, you will not want to pick up another PC again if you just give Mac a chance. So here's the question I leave you with, Why not Mac? 

Dustin Bare



Mac vs PC: The Fanboys

Almost everything has "fanboys" or worshipping fans and in this case, Macs and PCs. We all know about the huge Mac vs PC battle and the Windows vs Snow (Leopard). Each side has fanboys, some of the most obnoxious, hard headed, illiterate fanboys are available in the category. We all have our opinions on this subject and you can leave some comments down below, but what I want is video responses to the embedded video. I am fine with comments, but video responses are much better. I absolutely positively hate fanboys! I am a Apple fan and a Microsoft fan. I have Windows 7 and I have Snow Leopard, although I do use Snow Leopard as the main OS. Both companies are the best of the best. So, please leave your opinions (biased or non-biased) 


Why Macs Get Less Viruses Than PCs

I have owned many PCs in the past and have fortunately not had any major viruses, but I have had viruses. I have used virus protection software like Norton, Mcafee, AVG and Windows Defender. Now, on my iMac running Mac OS Snow Leopard 10.6.1 I don’t have any virus protection software installed at this current time. It has been said that Macs do not get viruses, which of course isn’t true. Macs get viruses. PCs get viruses. So how do you back up the statement that Macs don’t get viruses? By saying this, Macs get viruses, but not as many as PCs. Yes, we can just say that and let it be set in stone, but there is a reason why Macs get less viruses than PCs. First off, PCs are 90% prone to viruses, because most hacks, viruses and whatnot are coded and developed only for Windows OS running computers. Secondly, viruses can get through even with some viruses blocking software. Macs have their own software to prevent viruses built-in to the firmware and OS. Windows is more easy to get viruses, because it is more likely to have a virus on the PC without the owner knowing. There isn’t a computer or OS that is “virus proof”, but Mac OS 10 is very hard to be hacked into. Windows is also able to be hacked and turned into a Mac via a process called “Hacint0sh”. On a Mac, there isn’t a need to hack Windows on it, because of Apple’s Bootcamp software and third party software like VMware Fusion and Parallels. This post in no way is targeted to be hate for PC or Mac or Linux. It is simply just my thoughts and opinions on why it is more likely to get a virus on a PC than a Mac. And if the Mac were more popular among business and schools as the main computer, they would be almost as prone to viruses. Thanks for reading.


Snow Leopard OMG!

Mac OS X 10.6 or Snow Leopard has arrived! If you pre-ordered Snow Leopard before Wednesday, August 26, 2009, you should have received a nice big brown box on the front of your door. If not, go look, or yell at Fed Ex! As for me, do I have the godly new OS? As of now, no. I just ordered it of the Apple website with standard 3 to 5 day shipping. So now that you have Snow Leopard, what are you gonna do? If you haven't what are you waiting for? Huh? The next greatest OS is just sitting there waiting to be put on your Mac!! So let's do it!

  1. Make a back up of your Macintosh HD using Time Machine on Mac OS Leopard.
  2. Make sure that you BACKED IT UP!
  3. Now, you can put the Snow Leopard Install DVD in your super drive.
  4. You have two options on what you can do next, either shutdown and hold "C" to boot into the DVD or wait for a window to open.
  5. For those who have waited, you now simply click on the DVD in the window and go through the installation
  6. BUT WAIT! You can also pick what you want to install in the second or third sequence.
  7. "Oh look mom I am on Snow Leopard!" If you did everything right (hopefully), you should have Snow Leopard

Congrats and enjoy "The Most Advanced Operating System Finely Tuned"

Thanks Apple!!!



Snow Leopard: Don't judge a book by its cover

Ah, Snow Leopard. The most advanced operating system on the planet as of 12AM on 8/28/09. But is it really a "new" OS, or just an upgrade to Leopard? To tell you the truth, its a brand spankin' new OS. It may look the same on the outside, and honestly it really does look like Leopard. But on the inside, not even close. In fact, only 20% of Snow Leopard will be Leopard. The enhanced Snow Leopard Finder was re-written from the ground up. Quick Time, also re-written from the ground up, has "quick trimming" like on the iPhone. So yes, you can now record from a video device and trim it up, right inside Quick Time, which is very handy. You can now save videos to the web directly from QuickTime. That means you can record, trim, and send to YouTube. Quick Time is even giving Screen Flow a run for their money by allowing you to record your screen. Mail, iCal, and Address Book have been re-written as well. All three apps now have MS Exchange support. In Mail, you can now compose and edit HTML email messages more reliably. Heck, Mail can now even detect flight numbers. iCal now automatically sets up your Gmail and Yahoo calendars. So you don't have to go back and forth.

That's only half of the new things inside Snow Leopard. Pre order your copy now! All you need to do is click here.

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