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Mountain Lion & Safari 6 Review and OS Giveaway

As Apple released OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion into the App Store yesterday for an all time low of $19.99, there was a special thing about this release: it's only available in the App Store. No other ways. Back in the days of Snow Leopard, OS installation/upgrade was still available in CD form. As Apple progresses to eliminate optical drives for their entire line of computers, Lion (or technically, OS X 10.7) became only available in two forms: App Store or an obnoxiously expensive $69. Despite the change in download options, the adoption rate soared through the roof when compared to it's only competitor, really, Windows 7. Within 9 month, 40% of Mac users have adopted Lion whereas it took Microsoft 3 times as long to get to the 40% mark. Coming on 2012, Apple's release of Mountain Lion is now only available in one form: App Store download. Will this hurt adoption rates? I truly doubt it. Mountain Lion takes the world's simplest and easiest operating system to a whole new level. It improves on the little quirks that Lion failed in certain aspects and it added features primed to make your lives easier. I'm not certainly not going to write a whole review of Mountain Lion itself since most other technology websites went into a OS-review frenzy the moment Mountain Lion was released. However, what I'm going to do is point out the best bits from some of my favorite reviews of Mountain Lion. 

If you're the kind of person who appreciates the tiny details in Apple's new operating software, you might want to read John Siracusa's review for Ars Technica. Trust me when I say this, but you'll need a hell lot of perseverance to get through the entire review. It's spread out of 24 pages with each page containing an average of 1,083 words. The total word count is in the ball-park of 26,000 words. It blows me away how John can write so much for what I would call an incremental upgrade. It covers every single intricate detail in Mountain Lion and a little more. It took me slightly more than 2 hours to read the entire review, which I'll admit, is the first time I've read spent so long reading a review in the 3 years I've been in the industry. If you plan on reading this, then I would say that this is probably the only review you need to read. Yes, it is that good. And yes, it is that long. 

However, if you're not into that kind of thing, I get why. I really do. You would be more interested in some parts but not others. Sometimes, it is those other details that John drones on and on. A few of the other technology reviewers did a stellar job and I'm going to quote the best parts of their reviews belowFor those of you asking, yes, I did read all of the reviews which I've quoted. That's some 50,000 words, I'm guessing. All of their take seems to be almost identical: It is an essential improvement over Lion. Let's take a look at the best bits from the reviews around the web.

MG Siegler, reviewing for TechCrunch

If you liked Lion, you’ll love Mountain Lion. If you didn’t like Lion, you’ll probably love Mountain Lion even more because it seems to fix a lot of the performance/quirkiness issues that some folks were having with the last version of OS X.

Nilay Patel, reviewing for The Verge

But there’s something else going on here beyond a simple purchasing decision: we’re witnessing a dramatic change in how desktop operating systems are fundamentally conceived. Mountain Lion is the first version of OS X to deeply integrate network services at every level, from storing documents to sharing photos to connecting external displays, and it seems that much lighter for it — as though Apple’s relentless charge into its post-PC era has allowed the OS X team to rethink exactly what a PC is and should be. Mountain Lion isn’t perfect, but it’s a confident, thoughtful step towards the future of desktop computing.

Jim Dalrymple, reviewing for The Loop (I'm not too sure if this is a review or not - but it can pass off as one.)

One thing that many people have been confused about since Mountain Lion was first introduced is its association with iOS. Is Mountain Lion becoming more like iOS? I asked Apple that question and the answer was “no.”

So there you have it. Mountain Lion is not trying to become like iOS, nor does it intend to. All in all, most, if not all of the changes made in Mountain Lion point to one direction Apple is heading for in the future: the cloud. Everything will be so tightly integrated through the cloud that your Mac (sorry PC people) suddenly no longer becomes the hub for all your media. It's no longer where you store most of your photos, songs, memories. It's going to be the cloud. Mountain Lion is definitely an affirmative step towards Steve Job's goal of the post-PC era. 

While I've debated on whether to include a Safari 6 review in this piece or make it a seperate piece, I've decided on the former. Truth be told, I uninstalled Chrome from my applications folder the moment I loaded Mountain Lion into my mid-2011 top of the line 13-inch MacBook Air. There are a few annoyances which I've discovered during my 3-4 hour of testing the browser that have prevented me from moving on to Safari 6 as my main browser. I'm going to some of them together with the things I like about Safari 6 in bullet point format:

  • Integrated URL/Search bar. Finally. This was a glaring mistake and omission from Safari 5.
  • Serious lack of extensions, which makes Safari look miniscule when compared to Chrome. Some of the most essential ones aren't even there. If you're a huge extensions junkie, you might want to hold off from using Safari 6 as your main browser, at least until it catches on to Chrome. 
  • It is incredibly speedy and smooth with no lags apparent when zooming in/out and sliding two fingers to the left or right ti forward and backward, respectively. However there is a limit to that smoothness and for my machine, it's 21 tabs. From there on, it starts to slow down and the fan speeds up to around 5970 rpm. Depending on how powerful your machine is, the "tabs limit" might be more or less.
  • Safari 6 pretty much forces you to use Reader from Apple, Apple's very own half-baked read it later service which they completely invented on their own. As I typically use Pocket for my read it later service, it is almost impossible to save pages from the Safari browser straight to Pocket. Emailing yourselves articles all over again. 
  • It did not crash during my testing. 
  • One major downside I felt was when I'm trying to bookmark a page that I like. When bookmarking something, I like to recognize stuff through their favicons, which also helps me save space on my Bookmarks bar. In Apple's attempt to simplify and minimalize their bookmarks bar, you can now only modify the name of the page you want to save. Their favicons will not appear on the Bookmarks bar.
  • Apple added a new, pretty cool "Show All Tabs" feature which allows you to glance at all your open tabs,a la iOS Safari. 
  • An added feature in Safari is the ability to iMessage or Tweet an article or page you found interesting straight from the browser. 

Overall, it's a major improvement from Safari 5, but not quite where it's supposed to be yet. Guess I'll still have to live with the Chromebugs. 

In conclusion, while Mountain Lion is possibly the best and most refined operating system for the Mac just yet (I'd argue for computers in general, too), Safari 6 falls short. While Microsoft have decided to radically change an operating system people have trusted and used for years, Apple decides to continuously refine their operating system until it is perfect. An analogy I can think off at the top of my head is how Apple tried, slowly yet consistently, improve their iPhones with the "S" versions, which is always an improvement from the ones without the "S" (think: iPhone 4 antenna and iPhone 4S antenna). As John Gruber pointed out in his conclusion,

That mindset and development schedule — “What can we do to make this nicer by next year?” — may well be the most important thing from iOS that Apple has taken back to the Mac.

Again, Mountain Lion isn't perfect. I'm fairly sure that we'll still discover more hidden bugs as we use Mountain Lion in our daily lives. But for now, it's as good as it gets. Frankly, it is probably the best way to spend $19.99 today, if you have a compatible machine. If you don't, too bad

PS: You just read 1581 words. That is 1/16 of John Siracusa's.


Giveaway informations are here, at the bottom of the post. 

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X-Mini Speaker

The X-Mini brand has been making a scene with DJ's and celebritys alike, but is it simply a hyped up product or truely an amazing little speaker with mind blowing sound. Well, it is truely an amazing speaker with mind blowing sound! I was very happily surprised with the quality of this little product. I compared them to my Phillips Apple Docking Station and Stereo system and it is right up there with it! One of these little speakers will rang you anywhere from $20-$30, but don't let the price detur you from buying one of these amazing quality speakers!


Motorola Droid X Overview

Recently we were invited to Verizon's Droid X event. At the conference, Verizon covered all things that had to do with the Droid and where it was going. One big thing that was announced at the conference was, you guessed it, the Droid X. If you want to know everything there is to know about the Droid X, please watch the video above.

If you'd like to see more technology content, please be sure to check out our YouTube channel. If you like our videos then be sure to subscribe. We recently passed 1,000 subscribers and we'd love to give a big thanks to everyone who has given us support.


Snow Leopard: Don't judge a book by its cover

Ah, Snow Leopard. The most advanced operating system on the planet as of 12AM on 8/28/09. But is it really a "new" OS, or just an upgrade to Leopard? To tell you the truth, its a brand spankin' new OS. It may look the same on the outside, and honestly it really does look like Leopard. But on the inside, not even close. In fact, only 20% of Snow Leopard will be Leopard. The enhanced Snow Leopard Finder was re-written from the ground up. Quick Time, also re-written from the ground up, has "quick trimming" like on the iPhone. So yes, you can now record from a video device and trim it up, right inside Quick Time, which is very handy. You can now save videos to the web directly from QuickTime. That means you can record, trim, and send to YouTube. Quick Time is even giving Screen Flow a run for their money by allowing you to record your screen. Mail, iCal, and Address Book have been re-written as well. All three apps now have MS Exchange support. In Mail, you can now compose and edit HTML email messages more reliably. Heck, Mail can now even detect flight numbers. iCal now automatically sets up your Gmail and Yahoo calendars. So you don't have to go back and forth.

That's only half of the new things inside Snow Leopard. Pre order your copy now! All you need to do is click here.

Also, follow me on Twitter for tech updates, rumors and news. Click here.


Mac OS X Snow Leopard: Pre-Order on Amazon

Over the weekend I got around to pre-ordering my copy of OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard on Amazon at the promised upgrade price of $29! Be sure to reserve your copy early, otherwise the rush of orders will get you stuck in backorder when Apple is expectedly overwhelmed with customers looking to purchase what is said to be "The world's most advanced operating system." - Mac OS X Snow Leopard:

Have fun and good luck!