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Entries in twitter (54)


Can We Escape Social Networking?

Today, we are in a generation where social networking is basically pwning the internet. With services such as Twitter,Facebook,and Myspace and a fine plethora of others, we can’t escape social networking, or can we? That is my question to you. Can we escape social networking? Now understand, I am not trying to drift people off the path of social networking. I am a member on Twitter and Facebook. So believe me, I am not discouraging social networking. So please reply with a comment or response with your opinion. Thank you!


Trick or Tweet?

So basically if you have seen the trending hash tag #treat on twitter then you must be wondering what its for. Well the brains down at Twitter HQ have relesed some fun little tricks just for this fattening, ghoulish day of the year. So what you want to do is go to, (this trick won't work in 3rd party clients) and then in your tweet entry box only type #treat thats it nothing els just the treat hashtag and in just a few seconds your home page should look something like this,

(Click thumbnail for full view)

 Now if you enter the hash tag, #trick then the end result would be.

(Click thumbnail for full view)

Now note that this will go away in a few seconds and when it is like this no other users on your page will be able to see this. So guys I hope you have fun with this, and also I hope all of you have a safe and fun halloween! Happy trick or twee-AHEM-treating.


Keep on Geeking!

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Twitter is falling?

Hey guys, obviously you know about the social networking giant Twitter. You might not know that it hasn't found a true business model to stick to for as long as they are live. Should they become a web only, phone only, both, or do something else. The Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said "I will not put ads on our homepage." Unfortunately if Twitter wants to stay alive and make money, ads may be the only option. 

For Apple news, headlines, and rumors follow: on twitter!


Stop Tweeting, Start "Woofing?"

Twitter isn't the new kid on the block anymore, now it has an arch nemesis that goes by the name of "Woofer."  Sexy, I know.  Woofer is another blogging client like Twitter, and there is no question as to whether Twitter was a factor in Woofer's immaculate conception.  If you go to Woofer's website, the interface looks almost exactly like Twitter's down to the ugly blue background, with the exception of a few things.  The mascot is a dog, and there is a minimum requirement of 1,400 characters per post.  Yes that's right, you are requred to write at least 1,400 characters.  In my opinion part of Twitter's appeal is the fact that it's a micro-blogging platform.  I just take a minute to type my thoughts, and I'm done.  Fourteen hundred characters seems more like a blog, and if that's what it's going for, what is the Woofer's appeal?  Developing better English apparently.  You are encouraged to "be eloquent, use adverbs, and don't ever abbreviate."  I can't say I'm against getting rid of the "wut r u doing" "nothin, im kool" conversations, but is this the future of blogging?  If I'm required to write at least 1,400 characters at any given moment, I hope not.

Thanks for reading,



Woofer's Site:


With every Popular Website Comes...

Spam. Yes it is true. Any social networking site is guaranteed spammers, but today we will be only focusing on one: Twitter

Ah, Twitter, the newest way of social networking by posting little updates considered "tweets" to update your followers. Started in 2006, Twitter has been working its way up the popularity ladder and is considered to be the "technology of the future" along with the Apple iPhone. Millions of people use Twitter for many reasons: personal use, politics, business, news, and of course: spamming. Considering the amount of people I get following me that I can tell are spammers, I would have to say 10-15% of the Twitter users are spammers that usually consist of online dating (or more explicit content), and online marketing. This can affect the use of Twitter for it does get particularly annoying whenever you receive a new spam follower. 

Luckily, the Twitter team does a clean sweep of spammers every now and then so if you do see a decrease in the amount of your followers, you know Twitter is helping out. But otherwise, the spammers just keep coming. So here are 3 tips that you should know when tweeting:

1. Try not to add personal information on Twitter. There are many cases where burglaries have occurred due to a tweet from the victim.  

2. If you are adding some personal information on your Twitter account, go ahead and protect your tweets. Located on the Settings page, you just check off the box and presto! Your tweets can only be viewed by the people you accept as followers.

3. Now if you don't want to protect your tweets, there is always monitoring your followers. Go ahead and do a search for spammers through your 'Followers' page. Usually spammers on Twitter have either there bio or a tweet giving you a link to another webpage. 

I hope you have found this article useful. But if you did not, keep the comments to a respective manner. 
