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Entries in iPad 2 (23)


Hidden iPad Gestures: How to Activate Them

Maybe you've just picked up a new iPad 2. You most likely love it. In today's post I've got something to share that will hopefully make you love the iPad even more. Maybe you saw some video coverage of the iOS 4.3 beta from popular technology YouTubers such as Ty Moss (tysiphonehelp) or Mark Watson (SoldierKnowsBest). In the beta there were a few multi-touch gestures to make multi tasking a little bit smoother. I didn't really enjoy double clicking on the home button to multi-task. So, I found a better way. This will only work with Mac OS X Snow Leopard, so I apologize in advance to the PC users. You'll need to go to the Mac App Store and download XCode (a $4.99 application). The video above shows you how to do the rest.

For more technology focused videos I encourage you to check out my YouTube channel: ace4vikings


iPad 2 - Wife Said No, Apple Said Yes!

Apple has been watching iPad 2 returns like hawks over the past few days. There have been a good few problems with backlight leakages, microphone problems and some other minor stuff. However, one guy returned his iPad 2 because it was greeted with a frown when he showed his wife. He returned the iPad with a sticky note attached saying 'Wife said no'.

Some guys at Apple clearly found this funny and a couple of the VP's found out about it. In true Apple style they decided to send the guy an iPad 2 with a sticky note attached saying 'Apple said yes'. What a lucky guy.

Just a nice little story I thought I'd share - good to know someone still has a sense of humor.

Via: MacRumors


iPad 2 Light Leak - No Big Deal

Now that half a million people have iPad 2's in their hands (500,000 is a guess, but I'm sure its very close) reports and videos are coming in about a light leak. This is light coming in around the edges of the iPad 2 display that gives it a yellow color when the background is black. So is this the new Antenna Gate? Remember all the articles about the iPhone 4 losing reception if you held it "wrong". It eventually lead to Apple giving away free bumpers. Time will tell, but I don't think so and even if it is it doesn't really matter? It's hard to tell how many iPad 2's this is affecting. Not every iPad is going to be put together perfectly. Apple is usually pretty good about giving a replacement model for any real issues. I also tend to buy that as the adhesive continues to bond any light leaking in might be stopped. The iPad 2 is essentially sold out and there are millions worldwide that want one whether or not there is a minor light leak. Antenna Gate didn't hurt iPhone 4 sales. The fact that Consumer Reports trashed the iPhone 4 didn't hurt sales. I'm sure this won't diminish iPad 2 sales in the least. While I can confirm my own iPad 2 has a few light leaks, I didn't notice them until I read about it and looked for them. It doesn't bother me at all, but if enough people complain maybe I'll score something else free from Apple!


Apple iPad 2 Camera Quality Test & Photo Booth App Review

There were always whispers concerning the fact that the first generation iPad did not include a camera, while other competing tablets boasted two cameras. With the announcement of the iPad 2, Apple silenced the whispers about the iPad's lack of hardware as opposed to the competition. The iPad 2 feature's a front facing VGA quality camera, and a rear facing High Definition camera. It has become apparent that the camera quality of the "HD" camera isn't as great as the quality of the iPhone 4's HD camera. Nevertheless, it is an HD camera of 'noteworthy' quality (video below). 

In addition to the two new cameras for the iPad 2, Apple also unveiled their popular Photo Booth app that would be included in iOS 4.3. Photo Booth has been available for Mac's with iSight camera's for the past few years. With the addition of Photo Booth for the iPad 2, Apple continues to make a majority of their Apps universal between their Mac's and iOS devices. 

In these two videos, I provide a quick look at the video and audio quality of the iPad 2's front and rear facing camera's. As well as a review of the Photo Booth App included in the iPad's iOS 4.3 software.


Angry Birds iPad 2 Case

As with any release of a new Apple product, the world is filled up with boring black and grey cases to help protect the iPad 2 should it fall out your hand and damage itself on the pathway. Wouldn't that be terrible? But never fear, the Angry Birds are here to help protect your iPad 2 and cheer up your day.

Angry Birds; the ridiculously addictive iPhone, iPod and iPad game, is one of my all time favourite apps, without a doubt. Gear4 have announced that they will be releasing a range of Angry Birds iPad 2 cases, which are so revolutionary - they even protect the back. Those crazy birds, what will they come up with next? This has to be my favourite design.

Imagine, you're riding the train to work on a cold, wet, Monday morning and the guy opposite you whips out his iPad 2 with that case on it. I defy anyone who doesn't break into even a little smile. It's just so cheery and happy - I love it!

There are a couple other designs; one which looks like the original iPhone Angry Birds case and another which shows Birds v Pigs in a typical Nintendo Smash Brothers style. Whichever one you get though, they are all really cool. All I need now is an iPad 2.

I had a browse around the Internet and found the red one listed for £24.95 at, which I thought was a pretty reasonable price. I presume that the other designs will be added soon, so keep a lookout.

Jack Holmes,