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Entries in iphone (172)


Gizmodo iPhone 4G Story: My Thoughts

In this post I will be going over what has happened when Gizmodo got their hands on an iPhone 4G prototype. So, here’s a brief overview of what happened. An Apple Junior Engineer lost the prototype at a bar, it exchanged hands a few times, and Gizmodo actually bought the device for $5000. Then they went on to posting content about the prototype device on their website and even displayed the person’s name that lost the phone. I’m not a huge fan of that move. I abide by a strict code of ethics and that shouldn’t have happened. Checkbook journalism was also displayed in this case. But, if I had the money, I probably would’ve bought the device too and posted it on Well, if you want a full breakdown of the prototype device, be sure to check out the video. Thanks for taking the time to take a look at this post.


Gizmodo Raid: Apple says the iPhone was stolen

We all know about the iPhone 4G, as it was leaked over the internet by Gizmodo. The Gizmodo editor bought the iPhone prototype for $5,000 from the person who found it.

Many legal issues were raised as the iPhone wasn't stolen, it was left in a bar by Gray Powell. Jason Chen (Gizmodo Editor) had his house raided by the Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team (REACT). They took from his house all his laptops hard drives, USB devices, etc. The search was ordered after Apple had reported that the iPhone prototype was stolen. The problem is that the iPhone wasn't technically stolen; it was left at the bar. 

Mr. Chen's lawyers are defending him and they say that he is covered under the California Shield Law. The California Shield Law states that journalists have the right to protect their unpublished material from examination. Also, he said that the police knew the identity of the person who took the iPhone and had talked to him.

Personally I think it was wrong for REACT to raid Mr. Chen's house. The iPhone wasnt "stolen" like Apple said it was. It was left at a bar, but was it right for him to pay $5,000?

Now that the iPhone 4G is leaked and everyone knows about it, now thanks to Gizmodo, what will Apple do at WWDC, which is being held on June 7th? Are they just going to release the iPhone that was leaked or are they going to redesign all their hard work?


Life without an iPhone.

Recently I lost my iPhone (Silly me, I know..), and was forced to go a week without it, before my insurance replaced it with a new one. In this time, I missed it a stupid amount... Here are some of the reasons.

Firstly, The iPhone allows you to check your email whereever you are. I find myself checking my emails all the time, and I wouldn't if I didn't have the phone. So when I was forced to use an old-fashioned Nokia, I was stunned to find I couldn't hit up my inbox on my way to school! It's suprising how much the iPhone can be used for, and if you own one, I think you'll agree that it's impossible to go back.

Secondly, and following on from email, I could not use Twitter and Facebook on the go! Alot of modern day phones have apps for social networking, but without it it's quite a shock. I don't use them too much anyway, but it really is a shock to the system not being able to check out some tweets during the day.

Thirdly, the iPhone's gaming is alot of fun compared to other phones. I haven't found a phone that has games that come anywhere near to the iPhone's. The accelerometer works flawlessly and the touch-screen is perfect, infact i'd say there isn't another touch screen phone that compares with the quality of the screen. Other phones use pressure etc. for the screen, but the iPhones works fantastically and picks up the slightest touch from the users finger.

Anyway, this post is pretty much finished now. There's more, but i'm sure you all know it - especially if you have one! If not, I'll just be drawing you in!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you liked the post. Please hit me up on the following:



iPhone OS 4 Beta Hands On & Preview

What's up guys? This is my preview of the iPhone OS 4 Developer Beta that was released a couple days ago on April 8th 2010 (Consumer release date is Summer 2010). There was a lot of new and cool features released with this new version of the iPhone software, and I am really excited to see where developers take some of the new API's they have been given.

Just a quick reminder, never - NEVER download the iPhone 4 Beta firmware from a torrent or third party site unless your are an Apple developer. If you update your iPhone to the new firmware and your device isn't registered for development with Apple, your iPhone will no longer work and your warranty doesn't cover it. 


Case-Mate iPhone 3G/3GS Turtle Case Review

I have used many cases for the iPhone and a majority of them have not been good cases for protection. I definitely can't say the same for this case. The turtle case has amazing protection. The case is made of two hard pieces of plastic that attach to your phone then for extra protection and style a piece of silicone wraps around the plastic. This case does protect very well! The first day that I had this case for review I was walking down a street and the phone went flying out of my hands and landed on pavement. I was scared that my iPhone would be destroyed but when I picked up my phone it was perfectly fine! The case had a few scratches but my phone didn't even get a scratch! This case made me say wow! Not only that but the case itself does look very cool. You get great protection and style! The only issue with this case is that the silicone does not really stay on the plastic shell and when you take it out of your pocket it almost comes all the way off.

Score: 9.5/10