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Entries in Microsoft (53)


Video Game Collection

Today I'm going to post about my video game collection. These kind of posts seem to very popular. I like video games, so I figured that I'd show my own. I currently own the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. My Xbox 360 collection is bigger than my my Nintendo Wii collection. I'm not going to list the games that I own because you can watch the video for that. So, please refer to the video above. Have a nice day! 



IE9 Beta First Impressions

Curious because Internet Explorer 9 somehow made it onto the twitter trending topics twice in one day, I decided to give it a try.  Heading to Beauty of the web, I downloaded the beta and opened it, and immediately thought I had opened Chrome by accident.  Well, I was wrong.  Here are some things I noted while playing with the beta:

* Improved interface:  The tabs are now on the top of the window, next to the navigation bar.  Speaking of the navigation bar, it acts like the navigation bar in Chrome, allowing you to search the web (Bing) right from it.  The home, favorites, and settings buttons are now neatly tucked in a corner, and not in your face like in previous versions of IE.

* Faster rendering:  I would be lying if I did not say that I was not impressed by the speed of the browser.  Microsoft is trying really hard to pull users back to it's product, and it's obvious that speed is how they are doing it.

* Just faster:  I remember using IE7 and IE8, and wanting to open a new tab.  Well, it tabs took forever to open in IE 7 and 8.  Not so in IE9.  I held CTRL+T, and tabs opened instantly.  Also, it's blowing the competition away in benchmarks.

I would be lying if I did not say that I was impressed with the beta, but I would also be lying if I did not say that I kept thinking and wishing I was using Chrome.  IE9 is a big improvement over IE8, but will it be enough to fend off Firefox and Chrome?  We will have to wait and see.


Tech Survey: July 26, 2010

Today I have a tech survey for you guys. I recently saw David's video to take the survey. Most of the questions are about the Mac, such as: Windows on a Mac, TextEdit, Word, or Pages? Do you use Spaces?

I thought the questions were very cool. I don't think I took the whole survey since I have the 10 minute cap, but the questions I answered were very interesting about my Mac. Do you want to know my answers to all of the 35+ questions? Take a look at the video above.



Microsoft Kin One Review

We finally got our hands on a Kin One, and my previous statement of I like the Kin Two more than the Kin One is now false!

I absolutely love the form factor of the phone. It feels good in the hand. I may not love the button layout on the sides of the device, but the 2.5-inch screen is no problem to me, and the software again, is something new and fresh, but still has miles to improve to get my vote of this is the best phone on Verizon Wireless. Currently if you ask me what phone should I get on Verizon Wireless, my answer would be the HTC Incredible, whenever it comes out of back order.

The Kin OS is a little like MotoBlur, but revamped in every single way, and sometimes taken down a notch. Using this phone as a sole purpose of a social networking device both won and failed. For the winning, this phone is excellent in giving you the latest of what you’re friends are doing, either if it’s on FaceBook, Twitter, or whatever is available.

I am a big Twitter person and the fact of not being able to read my direct messages just ruins my parade on this phone. It doesn’t give you the full functions of the app on iPhone or Android, or even PalmOS. Microsoft has always been one of the disappointing companies in the mobile world, but they seem like they are getting there. Slowly, but surely.

Overall I think this is up to you. It depends on what you are looking for in a phone. I would highly suggest you watch reviews of this phone and the Kin Two.

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Review: Microsoft Kin 2

This is Alex from Gadget Experts presenting you the Kin 2 review. I just want to start off by saying that the phone costs $99 on a two year contract with Verizon Wireless. Also the phone has a very interactive interface called Loop. This is where you can read all of your social networking feeds on one page. If you want to see everything that this phone has to offer, please be sure to watch the video. To see more technology content head over to our YouTube channel.

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