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Introducing: New iPhone, iPod, and More

In this video I recap the Apple media event that occured earlier today! Enjoy!

Heello new social network from TwitPic has just landed, and looks an awful lot like Twitter. In the past few months Google+ is taking on Facebook, Twitter is taking on TwitPic and TwitPic is taking on Twitter with new platform Heello. I was in that registration process lightning fast and got the username @jack, I was expecting it to be gone but when the green tick came up, I've never hit confirm so fast.

At present the site seems to just be a clone of Twitter but the developers are saying that much more is coming, @meltingice has also hinted at the use of SMS as reason for the 140 character limit on Pings (effectively tweets). He has also stated that business features are coming soon. Having been a member for about an hour now, I'm excited as to where this could go. It's a really exciting time to be working in the tech startup world. Although I can't hep but think that products are going in and out of fashion faster than clothing! The Heello blog claims that they are trying to change the way that people comunicate and have a bunch of new products in the pipeline which I'm sure means Apps amongst other things.

Noah Everett founder of TwitPic and Heello told TechCrunch "“Everything we’re working on right now is under wraps for now, but mostly everything we’re building helps people communicate better." With the new Facebook calling app, O2 Social Call app and Google+ meetups, everyone seems to be set out trying to change the way that we all communicate. We'll just have to sit back and see which ones truly take off.



Overview: Nintendo's Wii U

In this video I do an in-depth overview of Nintendo's newest console- the Wii U. Many photos will be shown of the new console and controllers. Enjoy!



Could Sega be getting ready to release a video game console?

Could Sega be getting ready to release a next-gen console to compete against the Nintendo Wii U? Let's look at the possibilities.

Photo Credit:

The picture above shows Sega's last console, the Dreamcast. It was a flop compared to the Sony PlayStation 2 that was about to come out at the time. While it had a lot of cool features, it wasn't on top because the PlayStation 2 had the at-the-time revolutionary DVD drive. Just 10 years later, the PlayStation 3 uses Blu-rays and DVDs aren't revolutionary at all. Why, isn't that funny?

Sega could/is likely to be getting ready to release something BIG. That will blow away most of the current consoles and be a main competitor to the Wii U to be at the center of your entertainment center. The time is perfect and the market is ripe for a fourth player in the fierce console market.

If Sega did, it would definitly have competition but it would definitely be a BIG SUCCESS in the console and gaming market. The time is perfect and there's a void that they can fill. With one more day, they could possibily announce it this year at E3.

What do you think? Post it in the comments.



What I'm Hoping to See on the iPad 2

The time is almost here for Apple’s latest product to be announced. In this case, the iPad 2, the 2nd generation of a revolutionary product Apple released just about a year ago. Though expectations are sky high, I would be happy to see just a few things added to the iPad 2 to make it a stellar device.

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