Why You Shouldn't Buy the Verizon iPhone 4
If you are a Verizon customer and want an iPhone, by now you probably already know that it’s going to be available on Verizon in early February. I know many of you are going to get it, but personally, I would wait until later this year. That’s because Apple has released a new version of the iPhone every year, so there most likely will be a new version this year, too. If you get the Verizon iPhone 4 now, you’ll be stuck with it because of the contract. Lastly, the next generation iPhone on Verizon may be 4G. Also, don’t switch from an AT&T iPhone to a Verizon iPhone because of the hotspot feature. There have been many reports that the hotspot feature will come with along the iOS 4.3 update. Lastly, the Verizon iPhone acts like any other CDMA phone, meaning you cannot use data and phone at the same time
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